
Volleyball try-outs at my school. Help? :)

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I was on the freshmen team last year and I know that high school is way different. I also know how good I am compared to the other girls trying out. I do have the skill to make varsity as a sophomore, but it seems like EVERYONE is telling me I can't. And I don't like when people tell me I can't do things, I mean. Who does? Do you have any advice for me? Any last minute tips on courage or something?

And I'm 5'7 and an OH. How high should I be jumping from my approach? I know everyone is different, but I think I jump about 8'4. Is that good?

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  1. Well, as long as you believe you can make it you can! I am a setter and am going to be on JV as a freshmen, everyone told me I couldn't even make freshmen but I made JV. I am a S/RS Hitter and at 5'9 I can touch 9'1" but I go to a really big school so 9'1" isn't even that great. But improving your vertical is easy. Work on Block jumping and your approach everyday.  

  2. wow thats a good approach. im a libero so anything that high seems great to me haaa. if you're pretty confident with mostly every skill in vb, a great way to stand out is to yell. calling the ball loudest, having spirit and being a very vocal player has gotten me very far in my volleyball career. being loud shows confidence and coaches dig that

  3. you go for it gurl win that game and youll show evryone

  4. First of all i love volleyball. I wish i had your hight when i was playing high school volleyball. But anyways, for me since i've coached my share of girls, that i look for not only their game play but how much they make a differences outside the court. Be yourself, play well and without a doubt your make your Varsity team.

    Good lucky and play well.

  5. Tell everyone there is no such word as can't!  You can do everything you put your mind to.  8"4 sounds great! lol

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