
Volleyball tryouts are tomorrow at school...Have any tips?? Ball handling??

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Im in middle shcool, so any kinds of tips will work, thanks.




  1. im n jr. high 2 nd i was tryn to learn so i went on earthle nd lookd some facts coach said dont swing your arms up when u hit the ball....bend your knees nd push up to hit the me....i scored many points usin that technique!!!! hope u make the team....if need anymore help just look up some tips on

  2. 1. remeber to always do ur best that u can in volleyball

    2. know how to bump and set

    3. know how to underhand serve

                 (if u know how to overhand serve that is great!)

    4. u need to be quick on moving to get the ball.

    overall just remeber to have fun. normally they start with some drills. and warmups and stuff

    u may end up doing a bumping drill is where u are the bumper and then there is a person that will toss the ball to u and it is bascially to test ur ability to bump and to see how quick u r.

    have fun!

  3. My biggest tip is to BE ENTHUSIASTIC

    Coaches appreciate a girl who will dive for any ball, and keep the team morale up.

    GOOD LUCK!! =]

  4. yeh i'm agreeing with ''crtl alt del x72''

    be a team player, and give it your best shot thats all you can really do.

    all the best!

  5. I've learned from expieriance that i do better when people are watching me. It depends if you work well with preassure. When you're serivng,  it help me if i picture that I'm alone in the gym and then SMACK. right over the net.  Now, i'm not comfortable bumping, because i hate diving. But try your best, go for the ball. Remeber, theese people want it just as much as you do and will do anything to get it.  :):):) good luck!


  6. As a volleyball Coach, I agree with a lot of what David H said,

    you just need to keep it simple. I have often chosen girls that show more hustle and will to try and correct their mistakes than those who know how to play but have that Im better than most, attitude.

    Passing: Stay down and ready, legs apart and use them to pass and don't swing your arms and keep them straight. Also use the forearm and not your wrist when completing passes. Thats the basics.

  7. Don't Drop It!

  8. don't be a show the coach that you are a team player and that you want to improve yourslef.

    good luck

  9. just be confident and work well with other people.  also if the coach gives you tips or corrects u try to do what they say.

  10. when you volly the ball just use you finger tips trust me 6 years of playing and youll be a pro

  11. I am a volleyball coach and this is what I teach my kids about passing (ball handling).

    1) Straight and Simple- Make sure your arms are always straight as you pass. never bend your elbows until AFTER the follow through. Keep your wrists together at the "lifeline" (where one would check their pulse). Don't do too much. Keep it simple.

    2) Face the direction the ball is coming and not where you want to pass it to. So if someone is serving, face the server. If someone is hitting, face the hitter. Do not face the setter when passing. Angle your arms that direction.

    3) Ball Knows angles- As mentioned in number two, angle your arms the direction you want to pass it. Don't swing your arms in that direction. You'll be amazed at how accurate you'll pass with just a little tilt of your arms when passing and facing the hitter/server. Also, dipping the shoulder helps alot too. So if you want to pass right, dipp your right shoulder. Your arms will follow.

    4) Keep your legs spread (a little more than shoulder width apart. With right foot forward a half a foot further then your left. Bend your knees to get low. NOT your back.

    5) Pass it High. Make it easy on your setter. Pass it 15-20 ft high 3-5ft. off the net. Your setter and middles will love you. And your coach.

    Those are just the basics. If you have any other questions let me know. I am happy to help. And good luck! I'm sure you'll do great!

  12. Pop it like its hot!! lol thats what my friend says before every game.  I would say make sure you pass and share, and try not to drop it or anything.  As my other friends says, "Get er done!"  I have strange friends, but they rock at volleyball.

  13. make sure you use your legs and don't swing your arms, and work on your hitting approach. that is always my biggest problems.

  14. Sometimes what impresses the coaches more about a player is the desire and excitement that a player has.

    Show that you can work hard, listen, and be a postive contribution to the team.

    Now once you've made the team, don't stop there! Join a club team, ask your coach about it. If there's a chance to get touches on a ball, do it!

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