
Volleyball tryouts. help?

by Guest44800  |  earlier

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i'm transfering to a new school and trying out for volleyball. i really wanna do well. I was pretty good at my old school but the level there might be different from the level at my new school. Anyways here's a couple of questions:

1. What should i eat/drink the morning of, or the night before?

2. What should i wear, just the normal spandex shorts, and loose tee?

3. Any good excersizes i can do in my room that'll help, even if i have only done them the night before?

4. Will it hurt me that i only under-hand serve?

5. What's a new kid to do at a new school? :)





  1. 1. i heard carbohydrates are good to eat the day before to give you more energy [[such as pretzels and bread]]

    2. i believe so.

    3. i wouldn't start anything new the night before, but if you have more then just a day, you need to build muscle in your thighs. SO i would do things such as squats or wall sits.

    4. i believe its required that you do overhand serve =//

    5. make new friends haha and like branch out

    i hope i helped, of corse, i answered your questions based on my highschool volleyball team and things that my previous 2 coaches have shared with me. I too am trying out for my highschool volleyball team august 18th, hope i helped [=

  2. I have played on the volleyball team at my school for 2 yrs. im trying out this year. i eat fruit and nuts before. i wore my gym shorts, but you can wear whatever.i do a lot of stretches. underhand serves are a lot easier to hit so practice serving. make sure you HUSTLE thats a big factor in tryouts. before tryouts practice bumping setting and spiking. good luck. i hope that you make the team. have fun.  

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