
Volleyball tryouts in 2 weeks, I need tips!?

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Im trying out for JV Volleyball, and I have never been on a team before! Alot of peopple are trying out this year and Im very nervous! Every year I have wanted to tryout but I backout!

I can pass and dive pretty good, I am getting better at setting, but serving is what Im worried about.

No matter if I serve over or underhanded I cant hit it straight. And when I serve over handed, it doesn't go very far. I really need some pionters please




  1. well dont be afraid ir nervous staypositite if u can play then whats to worry stay calm take deep breathas and again stay posititve

  2. just make sure that u try ur best

    also i learned that u should dress like a volleyball player

    like spandex and kneepads

    itll make the judges or wtvr remember 2 keep an eye on u

  3. Be loud! That is my biggest problem if you want to be setter you have got to be bossy. do some push ups and keep praticising, move closer to the net and as you get it over move back  in no time youll be the best player good luck

  4. just show that you are not scared to dive around and make sure your a team player

  5. when serving the ball make sure that you keep your wrist tightened! thats what my coach told me to do. dont use a loose wrist. if you tighten your wrist, then the ball will go further.

    to make the ball go straight when serving, make sure you square your feet and your body to where you want the ball to go and stand where youre comfortable on the out line. that should help make the ball go where you want it to.


    1. make sure that you concentrate! keep all your focus on playing well! dont get distracted by anything! pay attention to the ball and the game! dont stand in line talking to your friends and then when its your turn to spike (or whatever) you dont know what to do.

    2. pay attention to your coach! you may think that you know what your doing but if your coach gives you advice on how to fix something LISTEN TO HER(or him)!!!

    3. dont try to be the star player! be a team player instead! dont be a show off! you know how you can his the ball three times until it HAS to be over the net? well dont send the ball over on the first hit. pass it to a team mate! show the coaches that you care about the team and not only yourself.

    4. dont be afraid to get down...but dont over do it! it is possible to dive too much! dont get on the ground on every ball only the ones that you have to!

    5. keep your platform flat when you bump. set the balls pretty high so that its easy for your team mates to spike it over. remember that if you have to you can bump set the ball, which is just bumping the ball really high instead of setting the ball.

    HAVE FUN!!! i hope you make the team and that you use my tips!!!

  6. Ive got it!!!!

    ok this is what u have to do

    I couldnt hit it good overhand but i practiced against a brick wall. Just hit it as hard as u can against the brick wall.

    Hope ive helped

    good luck!!

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