
Volleyball tryouts mix-up.PLEASE help!?

by Guest65981  |  earlier

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Okay. So a day ago I had volleyball tryouts at my middle school. I thought I did really good and so did a LOT of other people, I mean I can play, but the problem is that I didnt make first cut. Where they cut like 30 girls. The people who had made first cut werent that good. I mean like, one girl would mess around, didnt listen to instructors, GOT YELLED AT by the instructors, couldnt hit the ball to the target or serve. I listened, stayed quiet, was aggressive, i can serve very well and I am accurate. How can a girl who messes around make it? Also A lot of other people who couldnt play made it also. I mean I really worked hard for these volleyball tryouts that I started crying i was so mad. Also everytime the people saw me serve or hit the ball to the target, they wrote something down, like they wrote my number or something. I just think theres some sort of mix-up. Should I say anything? Please help!




  1. You probably made it. I played volleyball for 4 years. Everytime tryouts came around my number or name got wrote down it might be a good sign. Plus sometimes if they put you with a crapy bunch its because they want you to REALLY shine. So work hard keep doing what your doing and all will work out. good lucky hunny

  2. Ask the coach.  Than use the answer as motivation to get better.  LOok for club teams in your area.  Club season is starting and the volleyball level is better and you get to travel to tournaments instead of playing in a crappy middle school gym

  3. Well, middle school volleyball is a joke.  Yeah it's fun (I was on the team) but it's not the end of the world.  My coach added four extra girls to the team and I thought other people deserved their places.  It was really dumb because a lot of the girls weren't good at all, they were just picked because of their height.  Maybe your coach was looking for height, not skill.  I know you are mad and obviously think it was a mistake, but you got to think, maybe it wasn't a mistake, and you need to find reasons why you got cut.  I know how it feels to get cut from teams, I got cut one year from this travel (outside of school) volleyball team.  If you can't find anything that you did wrong (even if you can find a few things) go ask the coach why.  Don't act childish, be very mature, adults love that.  Calmly approach the coach and start a conversation.  I know it will be hard, but whatever you do, DON'T start saying that you were so much better than that one girl.  Coaches HATE that.  If your coach sees she/he made a mistake, she will recognize that as you speak to her.  So don't push her, even if you really want to because she won't like that and it will only make your chances of making the team worse.  If you don't make the team, DON'T QUIT.  If you practice hard, you may be able to make the high school team, which is a lot more serious, and the coaches know talent when they see it.

  4. Yes, I would ask the judges why you didn't make it, and how you could improve. Don't be rude when you ask them. They like people who are good sports. I am on a volley ball team, and I know how you feel.

  5. Well then your coach is a B****. is he that stupid? play for a REC Center or just with friends for fun. Sometimes organizations and schools make mistakes

  6. Yes you should say something. Maybe you should try and see if your coach would let you try out again. Good luck and I hope you get to be on the team!

  7. You should definitely ask the coaches why you didnt make the team. My volleyball coach made a mistake and didnt put my name after last years cuts. When I approached her, she realized she had forgotten to put my name down, because she had already realized i would make it. It doesn't hurt to ask the reason why you were cut from the team.

  8. It wouldn't hurt to go and ask the coach why you were cut from the team.  Ask what you could have done to show that you are a good player.  It could be that they mixed you up with someone else and kept the wrong girl.  If you approach the coach with a humble attitude and a smile on your face, they will be more apt to answer your questions.  I WOULD NOT mention the fact that you were better then most of the other girls and start demanding answers, that will turn them off and you will get a reputation as being spoiled and having a "holier than thou" attitude.

  9. if you think something is wrong you should tell.... cuzzz you can be righht

  10. Well I know how you feel. I have had the same expeience... Even if you don't make it don't feel mad or sad or anything. Just next time you will have another try because I am sure you make it... Just keep you hopes up and get on that TEAM!!!!

  11. coaches dont always make the best choices considering there r so many of grls trying out

    talk to the coach what could u lose?

    But if he /she wont listen u cant do much about it but ask for how u can improve

    when our coach was doing tryouts he said that coaches make mistakes

    michael jordan didnt make his high school basketball team

    and now hes a great player

    its ok

    dont stop volleyball now because u sound so good

    just because u didnt make it

    keep playing!!!

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