
Volleyball tryouts.?

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ok, my high school volleyball tryouts are coming up in a few week s and i am trying to get stronger but i dont know how. I dont have too much body fat but i have pretty much no muscles in my legs and thighs and i'm not lying. What kind of exercises can i do to build up my muscle and help me with volleyball? i love volleyball but i must admit i'm not that great at it but i really want to make it on the team so that i can improve. HELP PLEASE!!!




  1. hello just me,i'm 37 years old and have played volleyball my whole life,to strengthen your legs you need to do alot of running and get in the weight room if one is available and do some squats or any other leg exercises,and make sure you stay dedicated to these exercises,in practice its important to work your butt off and hustle,hustle,hustle and most importantly,enourage other players,this will show the coach that you are a team player.if you have a volleyball there are plenty of drills you can do by yourself,practice by hitting the ball over hand against a wall over and over again,this will improve accuracy and arm strength,make sure to utilize both hands while doing this,this way you can hit with both hands,also practice bumping or passing as its called to yourself,its also helpfull to have soft hands and fingers while setting,stand under a basketball hoop and practice settin the ball through the hoop,this will help with your accuracy also,good luck with making the team.TOM

  2. Well theres lots of excercises.

    Wall sits for a 60 seconds one day and the next 65 seconds

    Squat jumps 15-20 in sets of three

    Tuck jumps on a trampoline. In sets of three each set containing 100 (not as easy as it sounds)

    Running 1-3 miles a day

    Biking 2-4 miles a day

    Each of these can help you gain muscle and I promise they will

  3. run and leg workouts... or just get out there and play
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