
Volleyball tryouts: very tired should I rest up or practice more???

by  |  earlier

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I had a very strenuous workout at my volleyball tryout, I was there 8:00- 1:30 with a small lunch break. We ran a lot more than I thought, so I was glad I took track over summer. When I got home I felt okay, and than I sat down and noticed I had a huge appetite, so..... I cheated a little and had some ice cream. I didn't actually feel that sore and I laid down and fell asleep for 2 1/2 hours and I woke up and it was 4:25, is it okay to sleep the rest of the day or will it be more efficient to practice more since the next three days are still tryouts?? What is better?




  1. I would rest if you go out and practice some more your gonna pick up bad habits and not practice well, No need to go all out get some rest and play hard tomorrow.

  2. You should definitely sleep.

    If you are all exhausted and low on energy you won't even have half of the performance you did if you decided to practice.

    Make sure you eat healthy girl! Yeah. Don't worry. I had ice cream the day before tryouts too  :)

    Good luck and have fun!!!



  3. i would rest. your body needs to recharge. and you want to be fresh for the next tryout!! i wouldn't practice becuz it'll just make you drag more. REST REST REST!

  4. REST!!! if u rest then you'll be fresh for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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