
Volleyball..will I make it?help from v-ball players and coaches needed?

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i know this info is vague, but im going into 8th grade, and for tryouts, they divide the court into half. and then go shortways with a net in the middle, so there's two nets, one on each half of the court. that equals about 15, in order for me to hit the bal over, i have to hit it 7 4 1/8 inches high, and 15 feet away. i measured in my garage how far, and can now successfully do that, and i tried it at a net at volleyball camp, and can do it there too.does that boost my chances from last time? i can bump and set perfectly, and spiking is o.k. but not terrible.a little better than average. last time at tryouts, it reflected off my hand and barely went anywhere since i didn't know how to serve.we do serving last at tryouts btw. before serving, all the coaches asked me if i had been on a league before and said i was really good. when it got to serving, they said if i got it, i would probably make it. i know this is a long answer, but what are the odds of me on the team.




  1. Serving is defiantly the key to volleyball. It is essential to know how to properly serve. So based on that you should have a very high chance of making the team, plus you can set, bump and spike, which is great. Serving really helps with the technique of spiking. Being able to serve will give you the basic power and strength for spiking. You sound like an all around good player. Keep practicing!

  2. I think you have a very good chance of being on the team. Especially if the coaches said you were very good!

    But remember for high school level volleyball, you can step 15 feet into the court and serve, you have to be the total 30 feet back.

    So, do what you have been doing (serving against your garage), but step back about 5 feet or so everyday until you make it all 30 feet. Then you will definitely make and be very successful on the team! =]

  3. in middle school not eberyone can serve overhand. so your coach could see potential in you and keep you. she will either teach you overhand and if she sees thats thats too hard for you she will probably teach you underhand.

  4. if the coaches told you they liked you, you're probably gonna be on the team.  what would be good, though, is if you can overhand serve the ball over a regular court length and have enough control for the half-courts in tryouts- it'll really be a major plus for you because control is everything in volleyball.

    yeah, you'll probably make it- just try your best.

  5. I hope you make it I too can not overhand serve.

  6. Depending on how good your team is, you will either be a god-send or better than average. But, I'd say you have a really good chance of making it. Girls made it onto my freshmen team with less skills than that.

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