
Volleyball woes.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in 8th grade and i want to try out for high school volleyball which is in august.

I've been playing since 4th grade, but then in 6th grade i stopped for a while. then again, towards the end of 7th grade i picked up on volleyball again and all summer i practiced with my friend whos an extremely good player and is a year younger than me.

This year, i tried out for the team...and didnt make it.

I dont think i tried my hardest at the tryouts though...and the teacher didnt like me much (of course there are other reasons)

But now, i'm afraid to try out for volleyball again this year because all of these girls at my school are really good and go to all these top places and spend thousands to practice there.

I now usually practice with my friend almost everyday,

ive got all the basic skills, my overhand serve is 99% perfected, i can bump and set and spike if i want.

But i havent been on a team in 2 years...

what should i do?

Any tips for getting better??




  1. TRY OUT! if you believe in yourself then nothing can stop you. so what if the coach didnt pick you i wasnt picked for the "A" team in junior high but as soon as i got into high school i was a starter every year and am now playing college volleyball because i didnt give up. so dont give up on yourself, you can do it! if you need any tips or anything about training let me know

  2. playing jo's helped me a lot it improved my skills and the coaches are amazing and they really know about the game.  i would try out again and if your still a little uneasy i would ask one of the older girls for some help thats what i did and i improved a lot. but overall you just need a positive attitude if you miss a dig or your hit goes out of bounds its happens to coach once told me that its not about how often you get a kill its about how you recover from not getting them. so dont let a mistake get into your head because once you do your playing will go downhill.

  3. i would try out for some club teams in your area because the teach you alot i live in ohio and i play for JO volleyball its kinda like aau is for basketball but volleyball version.were 18th in the state out of like 180i would also Go to camps

  4. practice, practice, practice!

    set some times up with ur volleyball friends and have them help you improve ur skills!

    ...and even if you dont get the A team then keep practicing, i know many ppl who played on B teams and then the next year they practiced and got on the A team!

    Good Luck!

  5. try out  be confident
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