
Volleyball workout...?

by  |  earlier

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i'm trying to get in great shape for volleyball.. we start in september, but i'm going to a few camps in the summer (that i want to be in shape for)

i'm not in very good shape right now, because i had to have surgery on my knee, but i can start running and everything now, so i can start on my training!

does this plan sound like it should help with getting me in shape? is there anything i should add in? thanks so much!

Monday (Strength Training)



-tricep toning

Tuesday(Jump/Agility Training)

- 1000 jumpropes

- ladder drill

- side/sides (jumping over a plank of wood or something) (i'll do it for about 2 mins)

-plank (hold it for as long as i can)



Wednesday:Strength Training

Thursday: Jump training

and i will do my physiotherapy everyday.




  1. i had knee issues to but you need to start off slower. i would not recommend "training" but rather taking a morning run or something like that.  then after a few weeks when you are positive how your knee is reacting then begin the training.  use the camps to improve your skills but remember they are also just there to get prepared for your season in September.  dont push it i had jumpers knee and almost had to totally stop playing because i overused it after it was injured .  dont do that to yourself it is no fun

  2. what ever it is, be sure to work into it SLOWLY!
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