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what are some specific workouts i can do at home that will improve my volleyball skills? i only have dumbells, a exercise ball, a tredmill, a bike, and thats about it. details please?




  1. practice your ball control ? inside your garage or something. count up to 100 or more. ball control is one of the most important basics in volleyball. =\

  2. run a mile under 10 min.

  3. my vollyball coach said go around ur house and step like this left ringt left but fast to help spiking

  4. Ciao, mi dispiace ma non capisco quello che dici!!!

    Bye Bye

  5. Well go outside and just bump your volleyball up 30times without losing control. Also find a wall of a school that you can practice your serves. Just by serving the ball at a certain high spot, then take a step back and try to hit that same spot. Everytime you hit that spot or higher take a step back. It improves your serving skills. And tredmill about 30min-1hr a day.

  6. just work on your vb skills. that always helps me

  7. to improve your skills, might as well improve your balance,stamina and endurance. also have a balanced diet and other stuff that will affect you health and performance. try drinking milk and eating fruits and try not to drink alcoholic drinks or smoking if you're really a serious athlete. also, if you have a ball, try having control. proper strength application during a game is also important to practice is really needed. you might as well go to a gym or a place where you can play with other people, experience is really important. you can learn,have fun and improve through it.good luck!☺

  8. Practice start/stop drillls.  Stand in a spot.  Sprint to another spot.  Do a vitual bump (i.e. you squat with your arms extended and your hands clenched together).  Spring up.  Run back to your original spot and repeat.  Do this over and over and over until you can't stand it and then push yourself a few more times.  While you are doing this visualize yourself passing the ball.  You can also do this with a virtual spike, or virtual block.  The importance is to work on speed, endurance, and visualization.    

    Also practice your lateral - moving sideways - movement.  Side step to a spot really fast.  Squat or jump.  Side step back.  Repeat.

    Work the treadmill and bike to build endurance.  Just pedal or walk for as long as you can.  

    Also prepare yourself mentally.   Read about and study the game as much as you can.  Watch other players and study them.  Can you predict the dink?  Can you predict angle or line.  Being prepared mentally will make for a lot of physical short comings.  And let's face it.  Most of us have a lot of physical short comings.

    Never be afraid to check out the music at

  9. do jumps. we had to do net jumps every day at practice. Stand facing the net or the side of house at home. Hold both arms over your head and jump, jump, jump. THis gives you increase stamina and builds up your leg muscles. THis is an especially good exercise for spikers. Arms weight are great also.

  10. try running or biking, it builds up stamina
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