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ok need some good streaches for volly ball and need some drills plz!!!! thanks♥♥♥




  1. I play so trust me! Practice your settings against the house our have someone throw it up in the air and then u set it back. Also, u have to be good at getting from 1 place to the other and fast. Put a row of 6 stakes in a row, 1ft from each other. Time yourself to see how long it takes you the weave in and out. Try and get it down to 3-4 seconds.As to serving, make a line on the side of your house or garage door with tape or whatever and servie it overhand or underhand over the line.

    As to finding out the rules, go to the library and check and see if they have a book called, "Volleyball For Dummies"

  2. Do some lunches for both legs that will help u know how to bend ur knees .. just dont over do it cause u dont wanna get soar.... also get a partner and make him throw the ball in ur direction and try bumping it back to him (straight to him) .. practice untill u bump it straight at him again and he could catch it and throw it back to you ..... also practice spiking the ball by having a parnter and the first person bumps it the next person tips it and last person spikes it!

  3. We did this at was called Pepper. The girls (or boys) get into pairs of to and they bump, then set then spike back and forth to each other. The only thing is you HAVE to do it in thaat order bubp, set, and spike!!

  4. have a loud outgoing grl on ur team lead stretches. do arm stretches leg stretches basically anything u do in gym. for drills do foot fires. this is when you have the grls run in place for one minute then have them switch to the pushup position for one miute. this is TORTURE for the grls at first but it will build their endurance and arm strength. their back should be completely straight, no high butts or dragging stomachs.

    • scrimmages

    •dead fish.

            ---split girls into two teams. one team lays on back on one side of court and the other team tries to hit the dead fish. make sure the fish hit the balls away to avoid injury :)

    •practice serving!


          ---girls split into pairs and pass with eachother


           ---have tall girls stand by net with arm raised at good position for other girls to spike/kill

    i wish you lots of luck.

    btw volleyball is how its spelled :)
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