
Vollyball tryouts?

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anything to expect?

im a very athletic person i play lots of basketball

im tall 5'11

im in the 7th grade

i wanna make varsity

((wat position will i may be in))




  1. setter??

  2. Because it is your first year you need to see what you can do. Can you hit? well then you  might want to try front row outside. Now obsivously you can block, so a middle blocker might be good also. I definitely would not recommend back row for you because u have the advantage of being tall, use it against the other team. In tryouts make sure you are going for every ball, coaches like to see that. Also dont get down on your self, sometimes if coaches see you down on urself, they might think you might bring the team down. have a good attitude, bceause it doesnt matter if you are the best player in the world, if youre hard to deal with, ur useless. and last thing, be pepped up! GOOD LUCK! I HOPE U MAKE IT!

  3. Just be ready for anything.  Everyone is a DS or Libero so dont do that.  Setters are a challenge and are best if they are left handed.  I think that you wil be a good hitter cause you are tall and probally very cordinated.  Ask the varsity coach or any coaches about hitter training.  have fun!!!

  4. since it is your first year, you cant really know what to expect. try doing the footwork and basic skills w/ someone who already plays. you will expect a group of judges (probably) walking around looking at you. you will be constantly doing drills, serving, etc. thats great that you're tall, that will help a lot when hitting (spiking). you will probably be a blocker or hitter (probably hitter since you're so tall) but that depends on what skills you can do. id say just get w/ someone who plays and ask them about basic skills and footwork, etc. good luck on tryouts! hope this helps :-D


  5. Whatever position you want to try out for Volleyball, I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job.

    Good Luck!!!!!

  6. Since this is your first year it is wise to make yourself as teachable as possible.  Ask someone who has been playing for at least two seasons of vball for the foot work.  Practice it at home before going to tryouts.  i also suggest getting with some friends that you know are going to try out and practice with them.

    Because of your height you most likely will be a hitter/blocker but expect the unexpected.  Make yourself as well rounded as possible.  Be a good spiker, blocker, setter, hitter, and be able to return hard serves from the back row.  the more you can do and do well the more chances you have to make the team.

    I'm primarily a setter, but have a hard spike and serve. I can play back-row if I have to.  Being well rounded got me on my school teams my 7th and 8th grade year and even a club vball league.  I practice when I can and am always early to practices and games.  The more you put into it the more you'll get out of it.  You want to be in the position were the coach can put you in any position without hesitation and know you'll do well.

    Good Luck at try out and do your best

  7. you'll probably be middle blocker or one of the blockers.

  8. No offense, but you can't simply believe that you will be a good hitter of blocker because you are tall.  It all deals with your jumping skill and your overall knack for the position.  I am 5'6 and a hitter/blocker, but I can also play libero!  Just because you're the ideal size for the position doesn't mean you will be good at it.  Try to practice your passing skills, because no matter what position you're in, you'll need those!--trust me!  Also, don't get your hopes up on making varsity.  There are teams with girls that are over 6 ft. that can block everything you will try!  Focus on developing with your middle school teams.  They will be your good friends and, you can have more friends in your own grade--those upper class men won't always be there.  You also need to try to grow a few inches by 10th grade.  Try eating lots of protein and drinking lots of water.  Believe me, this will help you!  Overall, just don't get nervous at the try-outs.   The coaches are there to help you not scare you.  Just go out there and do great!  PS-don't wait until try-outs to start running and lifting weights.  You will be extremely sore if you do!

  9. i would say that if you will be trying out for high school, then you'll probably be put in the middle blocker position since you're tall,but if you're interested in another position then tell the coach, and maybe you can work on that. GOOD LUCK!

  10. I find it funny how everyone is going on about hitters being tall.  I am a power hitter and I am 5'2, and get my full hand over the net ^__^

    You can do whatever you want to.   Go for whatever you like the best.

  11. BY the sounds of it and that your 5'11, you would be a MB/MH

    middle blocker or middle hitter. On a Varsity team you could be used as a ROH/OPP[right side outside hitter or what is called opposite] You would be blocking the other teams best hitter[L-OH] lefside outside hitter.

    In high school you look at the best matchups, but if you have good jumping ability you also could used as a outside hitter.

    I would suggest strongly to you to get on a traveling club team besides your school team. Girls volleyball is very competive now a days and most high schools girls play on club teams.

  12. Same here!! I'm tall 5'8 and in The 7th grade and going to try out for volleyball in April!

  13. hmmm..i think u might be a middle blocker, but i'm not sure.

  14. It's good to try all different postions in volleyball, seeing as this is your first year. If you find one tha you like the best and feel the most comfortable with playing, you could focus a bit more on that one.  The best thing to do is practice a lot though, because at first you can't really tell what your best position is.

  15. if your tall you would be good as a middle blocker. ((thats what i play))

    you might be able to play outside

    but its really up to you...

    some of the tallest girls out there play libero or setter

    height isnt everything

    just try everything out and see what you like

    if you like all positions,

    then i would go with being a middle blocker :)
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