
Voluntary stay at mental hospitla rights can you have a cellphone?

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Voluntary stay at mental hospitla rights can you have a cellphone?




  1. Having two mental hospital stays under my belt, I've noticed the rules are no different for voluntary or involuntary.  I ws forced to go both times and changed my status so I could smoke.  The places I've been had public use phones and you could get incoming calls.  They pretty much keep you from the outside world so I would assume no cell phone.  Take down important numbers and use the public phones.  Also, with HIPAA, you will be assigned a number and if a caller does not know your PIN, the hospital won't even admit you are there.  So, make sure to take down the numbers of the important people and call them with that PIN.

    I hope you get better.  Going in on your own is huge.  Realizing your needs is a big step.  A lot further than I've ever made it.

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