
Volunteer help?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I really want to volunteer in my community this summer (in august). But the thing is, I haven't done any volunteering yet, I have never had a job (although I would also like to get one this summer as well), and I don't have any experience with anything. I feel lost and useless, but its not like i dont care, I've always wanted to do this I've just been busy with school and stuff.

Im going into grade 11, I'm a great student; but I don't do much extracurricular activities, just like one sport.

So yeah, basically I feel like I've dug myself in a hole and i can't get out of it! I can't seem to start/ get into things

please help?

I need to how I can do this, with the limited experience I have.





  1. Since you play a sport maybe you can ask your coach and teammates to join you on community service projects.  People/organizations ask for individuals as well as groups. So if you do decide to volunteer at the age old food bank, nursing home or hospital, you want be alone. As for feeling useless, you probably won't feel this way with your teammates because they won't completely what they're doing either. And whoever is over you can be more at ease because they can train multiple people at once.

    It's worth a try.

  2. well my school makes us do community hours and i like talking to people so i decided to go to the nursing home in my town and talk and listen to the older people. it's a great way of learning new things helping people and showing that you really care.

    you could volunteer at the local food bank/food pantry.

    you could volunteer at your church like watch the little kids during mass

    you could volunteer at the local elementary/middle school cleaning up etc.

    you could volunteer at your local library, festivals in your area.

    go to your towns website (google it) and go to events and see what's going on and what you would like to voluntter for

    as for a job.. start low. like krogers, walmart, library,pizza joint etc.

    good luck!

  3. relax youve got time on tour side go out there and be all you can be i mean theres no hole youve dug go out and do the best you can start at church maybe if u dont have a specific place in mind i mean really whats  stopping u
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