
Volunteer internationally or locally?

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i've been looking for ways to volunteer for organizations such as the UN, red cross, doctors without borders, peace corps... but i seems to me like they only have volunteer work for adults and experienced people. i'm 16 and i just want to help people around the world, so does anybody know organizations that have youth volunteer programs that i could contact?

thanks a bunch!




  1. basically such organisations look for experianced people because freshers need some time to assimilate to a grass root work as this requires patience,perseverence and dedication.its very easy to decide to work but equally difficult to work under miserable real life conditions.

    you first need to specialize in a field where you want to volunteer like for saving animals,natural calamities,prevention of killing mammals for fur,fighting water crisis,poverty,restoring a mentally retarded...and the list is endless.

    if you are seriously interested,try working in your locality for whichever cause you feel needs to be can also join local clubs/NGOs who undertake such volunteering or offer internship.this will help to put you across the larger organization who seek experiance and above all dedication(not a fad).

    visit these sites for volunteering- news/view_article.php?art_id=1467&gp_id=...

  2. Yes, I do know a great organization that arranges exactly what you're looking for in Africa and it's for teens!  It's 'Free the Children', started by Canadian Craig Kielburger in 1995 when he was 12 years old. His organization has grown by leaps and bounds and they are now the "largest network of children helping children through education in the world". Their website is

    Craig's been on the Oprah show a couple of times and now Craig and Oprah partnered to form 'O Ambassadors'. Info on this is at

    Free the Children has a related Leadership Academy where they do offer trips to several countries, including Kenya. For Kenya they recommend being at least 14 years old, however for school groups there is no minimum age requirement. Before going overseas with them, they recommend taking their 'Take Action! Academy', which is week-long program, held in a couple of different cities in Canada and also in Beijing. I took a group of teens from the Middle East to this academy and it was absolutely incredible! The website is

    For other ideas, here are websites that give thousands of opportunities:

    Most of them have a minimum age of 18 years, however if you go with a parent there are some that allow teens.

  3. Here's a program from the World Wildlife Foundation:

  4. At 16, I'm sorry to say that you aren't needed onsite in other countries -- people in developing countries need highly skilled experts to help them do for themselves.

    BUT, there are still ways you can help internationally. NetAid ( is targeted specifically at young people in North American who want to do something locally that has impact globally.

    Also, have a look at to look around at various causes and suggestions for actions and advocacy.

    If you are in the USA, here are web sites that can help you find local volunteering opportunities:




    Network for Good,


    Also, contact your local volunteer center; you can find this via the Points of Light Foundation web site,

    There's also this government sponsored site, which provides volunteer positions through USA federal land agencies like Fish & Wildlife, Forest Service, National Parks, etc.

    If you want to be a volunteer to help with the consequences of a natural disaster, such as Hurricane Katrina, you need to register and prepare NOW. Here's a web site where you can register and start your preparation so that you can help the next time disaster strikes:

    Here is a web site that can help you learn more about the skills and experience desired by long-term placement organizations, and how you can gain that experience locally, wherever you are right *now*, no matter your age. You are never too young nor too old to start engaging in activities and training that will make you a viable candidate for long-term volunteer placement agencies:

  5. im 16 as well and ive been doing mission trips with my trip primarily in mexico so if yhats what you are interested in check your local church and see if they have anythign going on

  6. Try this group...

    They are wonderful and can match you to a group that needs help.  Just an FYI, most volunteer groups that work with kids (Make A Wish Foundation is one) DO require that anyone in direct contact with kids meet an age requirement & that they pass a background check.  Not that the background check is an issue but you may be asked to pay for one (I was).  

    You may also want to contact a local elementary school and volunteer to read to the younger kids or help with homework.  The teachers really love the volunteers b/c it allows them a chance to get other things done.

    When I was 16, I volunteered in a nursing home.  I read to the residents, helped feed them and many times, just sat & talked to them.

    Thumbs up & kudos to everyone who has answered!!!

  7. You could try to get on with habitat for humanity...they have a few youth builds. ASPCA is another one. I think getting on with Habitat at your age would be best, though...b/c you can get experience here early, and then start leading your own groups (often paid) around the world when you are older.

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