
Volunteer opportunities for 12 year olds? Do they exist?

by Guest55813  |  earlier

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Volunteer opportunities for 12 year olds? Do they exist?




  1. Yes they do you can be a "candy striper" at most hospitals and I believe  nursing homes as well.

  2. of course! as the person above me said, candy striper. and if u go 2 church, they would probably kno places that need u. or ur school guidance counselor probably has a long list of possible volunteer places. good luck! and good 4 u!

  3. Most nonprofits try to have volunteers that are over the age of 16 because of liability reasons.

    Ways to get around that are to volunteer with your child so there is an adult present (besides the staff) or call your local United Way.  Often they are aware of larger volunteer projects that welcome everyone of every age.  Another good resource is to check out opporutnitites unique to your local area.

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