
Volunteer resume?

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I'm currently applying to VSO (Canada's version of the Peace Corps) for a 2-year position overseas. I want this *really badly* and have plenty of international and domestic experience. But, I want to do a good job with my resume to make sure I can move to the next round of the application process.

The guide says to make your resume very detailed, including detailed information on volunteer jobs and info on every break in your work or school (including travel, etc). This is making my resume *long* as I'm adding more info than I have on my regular resume.

I've worked in a LOT of volunteer positions. Should I include all of them? How far back should I go? (I have done about 10-12 volunteer positions since 1994 - jr. high.)

Any info on this would be appreciated! Like I said, my VSO resume is now a few pages long so I don't really know how to handle this aspect. Thanks!




  1. I disagree with the first poster. You want a very detailed CV. I have reviewed many CVs for volunteer placements (and I mean it when I say *many*), and what is wanted is *details* -- VSO has to make sure you really are prepared to work in the developing world.

    For each volunteer assignment or any paid work, note every time you:

    -- managed or supported other volunteers

    -- developed a strategy

    -- worked as a team

    -- lead a team

    -- worked independently, with little supervision

    -- had to report in regularly

    -- worked with people who are socially-excluded (people with disabilities, the elderly, immigrants, etc.)

    -- people with low-literacy skills

    -- worked to target a particular group (sexually-active teenagers, the elderly, women, mothers, etc.)

    -- trained others

    Also note any time you:

    -- dealt with a conflict situation or controversy

    -- had to address a hostile situation

    -- faced a public relations crisis

    and how you were a part of addressing such.

    Your CV should say that you are a person who listens, can problem-solve as things arise, doesn't panic, seeks guidance when appropriate, can work independently, can work well with others, is committed to quality, is very comfortable in diverse situations, and will further the reputation of an organization like VSO. Include any volunteer assignment that you believe contributes to this image.

    Don't embellish! Be honest.

  2. Maybe an attachment? Have one line on the main resume with "Volunteered as tutor, cook, docent . .. See detailed list" and then, on a separate sheet titled "Volunteer Experience", dates, duration and specific job title.

    I'd go back to junior high.

  3. I have found a very useful article how to write a good resume(CV).  It could help you to write an effective CV for your dream job hunting. You could find it here 5 Tips on Resume Writing and the link of the article is

    Best wises. Cheers!

    PS: Article source
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