
Volunteer worker [CASA] needs a non caller id type c/p that will get thru privacy master and caller id?

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unable to make legitimate calls as a volunteer from home or my personal cell phone. using *67 often does not work due to a privacy master or caller id. during or when the case is over, those that were called now have access to personal information. would like knowledge re:phone w/number that can be traced backed to the volunteer group that I 'work' for.




  1. Simple(Maybe not) Go down to a cellphone store and ask if you can get another line(usually family plan for $9.99/month) that does not accept incoming calls. Cellphone numbers cannot be traced unless under court order.

    What I recommend:

    I recommend using Skype and getting SkypeOut unlimited for $40/year. There is no return phone number for skype.

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