I saw a similar question from a while ago here and the condescending answers that followed, so I'm hoping someone might actually be helpful... I was disappointed upon research to find that- I can only assume because of unjustifiably self-righteous yuppies- it is now VERY expensive/(chic) to voulnteer abroad. The plane tickets alone to travel to these places are more than the average person can afford to blow, especially when they won't be working for the duration of their trip. I understand room and board, but 599 dollars a month to stay in an orphanage is horseshit; I wouldn't pay that now for an apartment or house with electricity and clean water. You shouldn't have to be wealthy or recieve a 'higher education' to help someone. I don't want to travel on religious missions, or submit to the government aka peace corps... When you're sacrificing months of your life to a cause or several, I think showing you around and making sure you don't die should be cheap if not complimentary...