
Volunteering for the CAB?

by Guest66941  |  earlier

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Hi there,

I am considering volunteering for my local Citizens Advice Bureau as an advisor, and was wondering if anyone here had any experiences of doing this. Is the training good? Has it helped you develop your career?





  1. I had to work at a local CAB as part of a New Deal program, and I have to say that a LOT depends on the manager and the way each bureaux is run- Some really are twin set and pearls and condescending old dears, but the one I was fortunate enough to work in in order to get my New Deal money was absolutely brilliant- I even decided to stay on as an advisor after my New Deal finished because the training program (Apart from a lot of the now obligatory political correctness form filling).  The training and experience is actually rather hard work, as there is so much to deal with, but there is a real buzz to be had from helping people with their problems and occasionally getting results- WARNING- sometimes you get to meet people who should really be calling the samaritans, and as the economy crumbles, debt goes thru the roof, families break down etc etc etc, sometimes there are cases for which there is no easy remedy.  

    Best thing you can do is ask around about what sort of help was available at different CABs- there will be the inevitable complaints about the dogooders, but I can assure you there are some really excellent people working for nothing in CABs- remember CAB doesn't neccessarily have all the answers, and they are supposed to inform people about their RESPONSIBILITIES, as well as their rights-  good advice isn't always sugar coated, and sometimes a visit to the CAB can be a wake up call as well as a lifejacket.

    PS- CAB training puts you in good stead in the job market as it gives an all round base for interpersonal, comunication, database management, and research as well-  Unfortunately the immense amount of social injustice can sometimes make even the most hardened adviser tear out their hair, so be warned it isn't all Laura Ashley and ginger biscuits!

  2. yes the training is good

    and yes it can be useful for finding other work...

  3. are you over 65, and do you own a twin-set and pearls?

    If no to both, then dont bother.!

    trust me - i had to do a community placement at CAB when i was at university.  I thought it would be interesting and dealing with a variety of problems and issues that people have.  It wasn't like that - it was basically full of condescending middle class old ladies debt counselling poor people who dont know how to budget.

    They dont give much training and cant help you if you have got a really meaty issue.

    You would be better off joining something more worthwhile - like samaritans.  go to your local volunteer centre - tell them your skills and carear choices and they should hook you up with something more suitable. eg, if you wanted to be a vet - volunteer at a pet rescue, if you want to work with kids, volunteer at a school, gardening? - volunteer to do jobs of old people etc etc.

  4. I work for a local authority but have dealings with the CAB, it is a great place to gain experience and their training is first rate. You will gain a lot of experience taht you will be able to take into employment, if you have the time and feel drawn to this then I would say go for it, not only will you gain experience but you will also be helping vulnerable people within your community. A CAB will allow you to see if there are any specialism your are interested in e.g. money advice, welfare rights, women issues, housing etc and allow you to develop a knowledge base for any area. Experience within a CAB is looked on favourably by professionl advice agencies

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