
Volunteering with Police?

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I am in Grade 11, and I was thinking of becoming a police officer when I grow up.

However, I also need volunteer hours for a program I am in, and thus was wondering whether or not it would be possible to volunteer with the Vancouver PD (in Canada) at such a young age to prepare for becoming an officer.




  1. grow up first

  2. Well, call them and find out!

  3. Anyone can volunteer to assist the police.  Your record will determine in what capacity.  Just call the local police or sheriff's dept. and ask how to sign up.

  4. --- I am not sure if Canada has boy scouting programs or not. In the USA when you turn 14 or have graduated the eighth grade you can join a police explorer program. In exporer scouting programs police agencies across the USA allow teens to assist and volunteer within the agency as well as learn about the career.

    --- I am afraid age 11 is a bit too young though. As a retired Sheriff's Deputy  my advice to you is to get good grades, that's mandatory and to work at becoming and staying physically fit. Then when you have reached age 15 maybe call your local police department and ask if they have a police explorer program or something similar.

    PS- an excellent place to do volunteer work is the Red Cross.  They assist fire deparments at house fires and police at disasters, though again I think age 11 may be too young. You will have to call them and ask.  In any case don't expect tobe allowed into dangerous areas or work anywhere at your age. You have to find a way to be a help and not a hinder, and that might evenend up being just staying out of the way until you are older.

  5. Go to your local police or RCMP station and ask an officer what best you can do to - Maybe they will screen you first and then give you odd jobs like making coffee, or such?I am sure they will be able to guide you -You are enthusiastic about it and  they will recognize your interest and sincerity

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