Note: this question was originally asked in the local DC area section, since the natives and wanna be natives lack the morals and smarts to answer, I now pose it to the US yahoo community
1. If volunteering is required in order to make a living/graduate from HS or college aren't we devaluing volunteerism. IOW people will do it to get ahead and not out of altruism.
2.What does this say about organizations that are willing to enforce a policy of indentured servitude instead of employing a qualified person? Are they that desperate to save money?
3.What about those who want to volunteer but are ignored becase the organization has a quota to fufill with said HS, University or other organization.
4. Aren't we slowly killing the American dream since those the only ones who can afford to volunteer or intern for more than one calander year are those whose families can afford to support them for said length of time. IOW we are maintaining the status quo