
Vomiting after running, gd or bad thing?

by  |  earlier

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doesnt it mean u, pushed urself . and thats wats its about?

but wats the sideeffects?




  1. Its a bad thing try to avoid drastic climate change

    in other words your body is hot after running then if you change the temperature of your body (go for a swim) then you might vomit:)

  2. Bad thing, but normal to other runners. Its a reaction to your body producing something that reacts to your stomach acids.Plus vomiting strips the esophagus.

  3. It soudns like you get dizzy after running to me. Are you drinking enough water? If you are running that much in a day you should drink at least 16 0z. ten minutes before running. MAke sure you are hydrated and don't excert yourself so much that you can't keep up with yourself afterward. And don't sit after ward. Start off on a slower speed with the amount of running uo do and keep at thay pace for at least a mile. Don't push yourself to hard, build up.


    this means you were probably got dehydrated

    or pushed your self toooo hard

  5. very bad

  6. its a good and bad thing...

    when i was 14 i always vomited after my 400m run...  its becuz u push ur body to the limit.. but the latic acid builds up to much..

  7. It means you pushed yourself too much, which is bad. You rarely see any elite vomit in international competition - even after very hard, close competitions. There is a reason:

    1. Vomitting means that you produced too much acid in your body and even you keep on pushing, you are not going to run any faster. So, during race, you should start slower so you can run a faster time without vomitting.

    2. During practice/workout, you should never run that hard - it is counter productive. So, make sure avoid vomit or even a headache after hard race by race smartly - pacing yourself so that you do not tie up too much at the end.


  9. What this simply means is you need to start drinking more water. When your running your losing a lot of water because you sweat, so make sure you drink plenty of fluids during, before, and after running. When your racing drink fluids before and after races.

    If you drink the water more often you wont throw up, and that can help stop any affects that might be happening. Throwing up is never a good sign if you do it all the time. The acids can burn the esophagus, just keep your self hydrated and you will be fine, you don't have enough damage for it to be serious.

    Keep working hard, and its def ok to push yourself, all you have to do is drink.

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