
Vomiting during labor...?

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I have a SEVERE phobia of vomit. I know that docs can prescribe a med for nausea during early pregnancy...can you take that same med for labor? Did you throw up during labor? I am so afraid that I will as I hear so much about nausea during and after labor. I just don't want to get sick. I know it should be the least of my worries but this is a full fledged phobia (panic attacks and all) and I need peace of mind...




  1. I would address your concerns with your Doctor, they can make a note in your pregnancy file and then when you are in labour they can keep an eye on you. Mostly women don't vomit, it is usually something that happens when you have a particular med (pethidine or something similar), but the medical staff have found that putting anti nausea drugs in the pain relief can help with stopping the nausea or making it enough so you wont be sick. The only thing you can really do is let the people know who will be caring for you during labour about your phobia.

  2. you don't eat much when you go into labor, and yes I puked twice because of some meds they gave me. IDK if they will give you anything for it

  3. I am a SEVERE emetophobe too! (fear of vomit)

    But, I've come to realize (not love though) the fact that vomiting during labor is very possible, there is a needle you can get to reduce nausea yes, but it doesn't always work.

    (But in my experience with this needle, it was a godsend!)

    Fingers crossed it does in our cases though(in terms of working whilst in labor)!

    I'm sure we won't really be thinking of vomit once we are holding our babies!

  4. threw out my whole pregnancy 3 times a day .it wasent cool basically i lost weight and gain weight back and forth but my baby is very healthy  

  5. i did too but after 6 months of throwing up it became a normal part of my day.  in the labor room they gave me something to prevent it and it did not work i was sick for three hours after i gave birth.  ask your doctor though there is a pill they can give you to help with morning sickness

  6. I threw up in reaction to the anesthesia, not in reaction to labor. They do have anti-emetics that they can give you during labor, though. Everyone is different, and some people throw up in reaction to pain, others (like me) in reaction to the anesthesia. You'll have to know what you're more prone to.

    Seriously though, when I threw up, the nurses just take care of it. They're so used to stuff like that and worse...they think nothing of it and totally make you feel comfortable and at home as best they can.

    I would just make sure that your doctor and nurses know that you need anti-emetic.

  7. With my first son I didn't throw up at all during or after labor.  With my second they gave me different medication and I felt alright until after and I tried to eat something (I hadn't eaten in 48 hours) then I threw up.  As long as I didn't eat anything I was fine after about 7 or 8 hours I could eat again.  But I was so happy to have my baby that it was not a problem and the nurses completely took care of it.  There is medication you can take to control that so try not to worry.  

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