
Vonage Issues!!?

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I currently have Vonage for my home service. ITS HORRIBLE.. I cant talk to anyone without them telling me that Im cutting out and I cant understand them because they are cutting out.. The line is choppy and cuts out.. I have a broadband connection.. What should I do? Ive done all the things it says to do .. Make sure my routers are 4 feet apart.. You know Im starting to believe "you get what you pay for"




  1. Vonage really sucks. Not only is their product not that great, but their costumer support is absolutely terrible.

    Have you ever tried to resolve an issue with them? They're very unfriendly.

    I would just switch if I were you. Not only are they going to go bankrupt from all their advertising, but there are much better VoIP providers out there.

  2. they have filed for bankruptcy you know. ive heard teh same complaint from quite a few people.

  3. Guys i have used vonage, linog and many other services but none of them made me happy, only one company i really care about this

    $8.95/month for unlimited calling, you wont get deal any where try this and you will be happy, oooohh sound quality is great.If you have time just visit

  4. I have been following VoIp industry closely for the past couple years.  I have not heard of any recent news that Vonage "is" going bankrupt.  But over the past year or so, there has been much "speculation" that Vonage may well face bankruptcy due to financial difficulties from legal battles over patents.

    In the end, I wouldn't be surprised if it does happen...eventually.  That said, I wouldn't want to be locked into any long-term contracts with a company on shaky ground...

    As far as your VoIP signal quality goes, that may not have much to do with Vonage specifically.  Voice quality with VoIP can be a complex issue that may take some expertise to resolve.

    Yes, it could have to do with your wireless network.  Do more testing with your wireless router to confirm RF signal issues.

    Try connecting the VoIP ATA box directly to router or modem with Ethernet cable to eliminate wireless issues.

    Often router configuration settings can cause quality problems.

    Is it port forwarding required ports (5060, etc).

    Put the ATA in the Router DMZ to bypass all port blocking just as a test to see if it is router port issue.

    The down side of using VoIP is that if you are having technical issues, it does take some technical expertise to resolve the problem issues.

    And, as we all know, good customer service now days.... is a myth.
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