
Voodoo Triple Goddess Love Ritual Question

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Has anyone heard of or had experience with a voodoo triple goddess love ritual, I am not performing one myself but, I am having a well respected New Orleans Voodoo High Priestess perform one on my behalf, I just wanna know from somebody who knows something about voodoo, what does it entail and, if anyone has any real life experiences to share. Only real answers please! Non-Believers are not welcome! Thanks!




  1. Starlet S, hi this is laurel did you get my answers? Seems that the Boy that wrote back ,Should learn a little finesse, and though this might be good advise, their are nicer way's to say thing's. If you respect this Priestess Please allow her to help. because undoubtedly you don't want any more advise from me.

    And of this knowledge it saddens me because I thought I gave you some food for thought. Are you looking for the spell? Do you want to know how to perform it , I don't know what else I can do but wish you , many Blessing's, laurel

  2. If you want real results, regular trips to the gym and the salad bar will help more.

    Tubbies who are too lazy to work for themselves are easy targets for phony Priestesses who want money!  Especially a 'High Priestess' in New Orleans.  Maybe if you had to journey deep into the jungle to find her hut.  I bet she works part time at a McDonald's to make ends meet.

  3. Goddess spare us from the faithless.  I am not a practitioner of Voodoo as I leave that to my friends of that African, West Indian or even Nawlins disciplines on matters which require assistance from such knowledge.  Wicca also seeks guidance from the same Triple Goddess source and sincere devotees of either creed report more positive results than not.  Voodoo or Vodun is not "all about zombies and the National Enquirer" any more than Obama or McCain are all about the truth.  Your Voodoo Priestess may indeed have the energy and knowledge to cast a successful gris gris and you may be asked to link your energy and desire with hers in the form of specific ritual participation or prayers as magical powers increase with the addition of acts of faith and energy applied to the task.  There are scammers of course who do ask for money so do be cautious and check for endorsements if you can, but keep the faith and it will reward you.

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