
Voss joining West Coast-What you think?.?

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Michael Voss just announced he has taken up a 2 year Assistant Coaches role for the Eagles..

How do you think Vossy will go over there in the West?.

This is his first Assistant Coaches role in the AFL..

Do you think him and Worsfold will get along ok?.




  1. Perfect career move before he assumes his already decided role as the new coach of the gold coast team

  2. **I haven't heard this announcement yet but would find it very interesting that he's going there for two years.  If the AFL were to get a team up on the Gold Coast I wonder whether Voss would go straight from Assistant Coach at the Eagles to coach of the Gold Coast team.

    I think that he'll do well at the role.  He has a good footy brain and he may as well give it a go.  Bit surprised that he's moving over to the other side of the country to do it though. **

  3. I think it was the right decision for Voss, given that he needed some coaching experience. I think if he took the Gold Coast role he would've made a huge mistake and he wouldn't be able to cope. I think he'll do a great job, and he should work well with Worsfold, I don't see why they wouldn't. I think Voss will learn a lot from this experience.

  4. Ohh i haven't heard.

    but if he is that's great news.

    i remember watching the brownlow about 2 years ago and his sons favourite players was Lynch and Judd. (don't know if it was a set-up though)

    Woosha is a legend he will get along with anyone just fine! but thanks for concerning for him :)


    thanks for the updates!

  5. It's definately good for him and I suppose for the Eagles too because of his leaderships skills.

    It'll be like an apprenticeship for him, he probably would have struggled as a head coach straight off the bat.

  6. yeah....he confirmed it on Ten News (Brisbane edition) earlier tonight.

    he said that he will be doing his current job (sports anchor 3 nights a week) until at least the end of October.

  7. Well i am a passionate eagles fan and i think it is good news... anyone but buckley, so micheal voss will be good.

    I think he will play a good role in helping all of our great young guys to play great, tough footy.

    I am suprised that he did come to west coast.

  8. it will be a clash of the Titans

  9. dunno

  10. all i can say is hes gonna make west coast a bettr team and josh kennedy chris masten all gonna be stars esspicialy scott selwood

  11. I think it will do him good to gain exprerience from Worsfold.I rekon Vossy is going to give it his all over there..

    Yeah it's a surprise he has knocked back the Gold Coast job,i just heard it on the news..

  12. I think that vossy will make an excellent assistant coach

  13. WOW !!! What a BONUS for the EAGLES !!!

    thankX Vossie for coming over...

    it has all the hallmarks of being a fantastic season !!!

    What a bonus after a mediocre year !!

    Gives us all something fantastic to look forward to !!!!


  14. Given our current position, it can't be a bad thing.  He's just been that bit closer to playing recently than Woosh or Sumich, which will be valuable.  But don't think its a one way street.  The Eagles will get some excellent insights into how Voss will coach and gameplan for the new Queensland side when they join the league - that'll be worth much more than you think given how well new-comers to the league have done (Dockers, bless them, aside).

    Other advantages.  We get a commentator/media personality  who is clearly articulate and smart on "our side".  And we get an insight on how the best team of the modern era (well, the Lions were, lets face it) got to where they were.  

    And he'll get a chance to experience the intense scrutiny that the Eagles get and that he is also bound to come under when he takes on the new head coach role.

    All in all, I'd say a win-win for all parties.  Good on ya, Vossy.

  15. Good move.

    He needs to do an apprenticeship before stepping up to the big role.

  16. awesome!!!! we need all the help we can get. goooooo eagles ...voss u will learn so much from woosha

  17. ahh nice. didnt know that, it should give him some good experience before moving up to the gold coast. smart move on his behalf

  18. I think it is just window dressing.

    He wants to coach the new Gold Coast team & needs some experience before taking on the big time. As an assistant coach with the Eagles he will gain some experience which will hold him in good stead for when he becomes a senior coach.

    The way I see it, Voss is the only winner from this appointment. What will the Eagles gain on having an assistant coach who is not going to be with the team for the long term?

    I'd have much rather that they had approached Riccuito first - he would have been a much better option. We wouldn't have wanted Buckley - the Eagles clubrooms don't have enough mirrors for Buckley to be strutting around admiring himself, all the time.

  19. Hey s****.,  where are you?    "roooooover here"

    I think it's fine, he will sort a few out, he was a fantastic captain and the players at Brisbane did as he told them, i can nothing but positives for both voss and the eagles,  good on them for looking outside WA too.  

    All the best to him, hope he learns how to say 'anyffink' and 'nuffink' though, that part of him drives me mad, oh and 'sumffink'.

    Cheers scoob, you new in town matey, how about fetching me a VB from the fridge ya dopey looking dog.

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