
Vote for either middle name for baby Amelia ?

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Hi! I am expecting a baby girl in early september her name

will be Amelia.Amelia is 3 syllables and is pronounced

a-meel-yah.Simply vote for either 1 of the first/middle

name combos,o.k? Thanks!

Amelia Charlette [char-lette]

Amelia Corrine

Amelia Hope

Amelia Kate

Amelia Lynne

Amelia Rose

By the way Charlette is not pronounced the same as Charlotte.

Charlette is pronounced the way it is spelled.




  1. Amelia Rose

  2. rose (mary would sound good too)

  3. amelia rose!

    it goes so well together  

  4. Amelia doesn't really work with any of those names...try a 2 syllable first name if you are using single syllable middle names...I do like Hope a lot but not with amelia...sry

  5. Amelia Rose

  6. Amelia Hope

  7. Amelia Charlette!

    I think Amelia Marie is really pretty too, even though it isn't one of your choices.

  8. Amelia Corrine or Amelia Kate

    I have a daughter named Amelia Grace.  We pronounce it with 4 syllables...a-meel-ee-uh.

  9. I think Amelia is nicest with a one syllable middle name. Amelia Rose is the prettiest.

  10. amelia kate :D


  11. Amelia Corrine very pretty!

  12. Amelia Rose...just beautiful....what good taste you have ...I have always lovedthat name!

    I also like Emelie Rose!!! But that's for me!

  13. amelia kate xx

    pretty name

  14. Amelia Kate

  15. Ameila Rose

    Also, what about Ameila Grace?

  16. I like Amelia Hope and Amelia Rose the best. Those are two great names.  

  17. Amelia Kate sounds very pretty and sweet. Classic. Good luck with your baby next month and congratulations!

  18. Amelia Kate rolls off the tongue really easily, but I'm partial to Amelia Charlette. It's a little different, and I'll bet there's a good story behind it.  

  19. i like either amelia kate or rose!! very pretty names!

  20. Amelia Rose or Amelia Charlette. Both sound good to me. :)

  21. Amelia Rose

    Amelia is normally pronouced a-mee-li-uh

    just to let you know.


  22. Amelia is a beautiful name.  I like Amelia Hope.  Congrats!

  23. Amelia Kate is a adorable

  24. Amelia Rose... It flows the best!

    My second choice would be Corrine :o)

  25. I like:

    Amelia Corrine

    Amelia Hope

    Amelia Lynne

    Amelia Rose

    but i think i like Amelia Rose or Amelia Hope the best.

  26. Amelia Rose

    or, if you're up for another suggestion, Amelia Grace.

  27. First off, beautiful name!!!

    I like Amelia Corrine and Amelia Rose the best. They are the number one picks for me.  

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