
Vote for none using an electronic voting machine in Election?

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Considering that Electronic Voting machines will be used then how one will vote for "NONE", I guess there should be an option to nullify the vote.

In India people who don't like any of the candidate still go to voting and vote for unlikely candidates so no one else can not go and vote as illegal proxy. ( I was surprise when I reported to vote and some one else already has casted my vote in India) and after that I thought that in next election I will go early and "Vote for none" but I came to US.

Any way, considering that we have a better system, but I still feel that "Vote for none" should exist. So does that process exist?




  1. PLEASE vote for Barack Obama.  He's not the same old politician, and I'm against the Democratically controlled congress almost as much as the wholly corrupt Republican side, believe me.  Obama will be waaaay better than McCain, and your non-vote will effectively be a vote for McCain.  It's your right to do what you want with your vote.  Just understand these are desperate times.

  2. Absolutely you have the right to vote for none.  It is called an undervote.

    Register to vote.  Show up to vote.  Sign in.  

    Whether you use an electronic system or paper ballot or any other system, the undervote works the same.

    Turn in your ballot without making any selection.  You will have undervoted all ballot choices.

    Or skip a particular race (e.g., presidential) and mark your other choices.  You will have undervoted in that race.

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