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Which sign have you had mostly bad experiences with?




  1. Leo

  2. Well i definitely wouldn't pick on any one sign in particular,but in the past i have had some problems with gemini's,and thats because they are gossipy,and Extremely two faced,and they say one thing and turn around and say something else "behind your back",and one more sign that i just don't get along with is sagittarius and it's because they are soo sometimes a little too blunt,and i had a friend who was like that,and i couldn't handle his lack of tact,because i believe in being tactful with people.

  3. Sagittarius and Taurus

    my best experiences are with...

    Pisces and  Leo

  4. Sagittarius. They always lied to me like I was stupid and were so blunt, insensitive and selfish. But it's only Sagittarius guys. The girls are cool.


  5. Hmm... I'm an optimist. I tend to forget bad experiences and even if I do remember them, I let them not weigh up to the good experiences.

    Although I must say, however much I like the sign in general, I've had mostly bad experiences with Aquarians.

    In their defence, they both had Leo rising.

    At the moment, Scorpio rising is getting very close to push those Aquarians off #1 on the list. Not that I keep track, though...

  6.'s a tie between Aries & Pisces

  7. Hmm....

    Cancer only b/c he was an a99hole....((cheated twice, lied about EVERYTHING, made me feel like ish, wanted me to have s*x knowing that I wanted to stay a virgin until marriage,'s all good...I'm not the one that had the STD lmao...))

    If you couldn't handle waiting until marriage, then why wouldn't you opt out when I gave you the chance? He was a dumb a99hole.

    My bf now is a Taurus = ]

    PS You have to answer now

  8. Aries and Pisces.

    i've known ALOT of people born under this sign, and i've noticed some patterns.

    don't ask.

    -cancer w/ aries rising

  9. None in particular. I have had a number of bad experiences with people, but they have all had different sun signs.

  10. Leos

  11. taurus

  12. Cancer.  Scorpio does not tolerate weakeness very well.  And they detest lies and "poor little me" ploys, which Cancer is a pro at.  Scorpio hates game players and liars, and it's "All my mommy's fault" c**p. "Go home baby, and quit wasting my time."

  13. All the earth signs especially Taurus and Virgo.

  14. Capricorn, too controling with a bad temper, I married one, big mistake!!! and I also stear clear of scorpio, we just don't get along.

  15. The worst sign I have experience are libras.  They are liars and attention hog.  They are also fake as well.
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