
Voting Poll (18 & over, please)?

by  |  earlier

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If you could please answer these questions for my government class it would help me a lot! Please be truthful. :]

1. Do you vote?

2. What is your highest level of education?

3. How old are you?

4. Do you have children?

5. How do you identify yourself racially?

6. Are you a registered voter? If not, why not.

7. Were you born in the USA?

8. Your annual income falls in which category (optional):

18,000 or less, 18K-35K, 35K-50K, 50K-100K, 100K+

9. Do you live in a city, suburb, or rural area?

10. How would you characterize your job?

Service or production industry?




  1. 1. Yes

    2. Graduate degree

    3. 49

    4. Yes

    5. White

    6. Yes  (By the way, if the answer to #1 is yes, this had better be yes, too!)

    7. Yes

    8. Prefer not to answer

    9. Small city.  (Not sure how you'd characterize that.)

    10. Professional.

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