
Voting for daylight saving in WA?

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Voting for daylight saving in WA?




  1. Well you can have it in WA but i DONT want it in queensland. I hate it. I remember they trialed it for a day in queensland in the 90's and i was only a kid, we were playing outside cause it was still day light and then we had to come inside and we went to bed in the day light! And i went down to my aunties place a couple of years ago and she had daylight savings and it was 8.oopm and she was mowing the lawn.!! lol while i was watching my late night tv!! QLD SAYS NO TO DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!! lol

  2. ive always been against it, but i havent minded it this year

    i find i have been able to get up and do house work ect before

    the heat sets in for the day, but in evening i have been missing news as too hot to go in doors and eating later i dont like it as going to bed on a full stomach

    the only thing i have minded is last two months it has been getting lighter later in the morning it needs to be cut back

    to a shorter period as i found the two days i have to get up early to go too work  it has been dark and have to put the light on ,so its hard to say which way i would vote for it

  3. i think im going to be the only one that likes it. i think its great, you can stay otuside longer spend more time with your family, people that finish work later can have more time outside i think being outside mayb playing in the backgarden is much better then going inside and sitting on the sofer watching tv

    i hope it stays i love it

  4. No No No that's three referendums worth how long before the government take notice of what the majority want.

    Come on Sunday.

  5. West Australians - NO to daylight saving.

    I know people who live there and they say it sucks.

    Like I mean, why change the time?

    Does the government think it's funny to confuse the h**l / annoy everyone?

    I would like it out of NSW too.

    I think it's time for Morris to go.

    I've never understood why daylight savings can't be removed.

  6. no way i hate day light saving

    i have to get up in the dark and cold every morning at 6:30 for school which is just over an hour away.

    i live in denmark at the very bottom of WA and everyone hates it.

    ps. some buissnesses just stuck to the normal time it was really confusing

  7. If I was to vote, it would be no to daylight saving, but is there any point in having a vote at all when for 10 years we, the people, have voted no & yet somehow ended up with a 3 year "trial" anyway?

  8. The imposition of daylight saving by self serving politicians not only went against all recent referendums, but was not in the la bore government election manifesto.

    Any rational analysis will identify that daylight saving has no place in WA.

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