
Voting for president. Do you still not know who to vote for?

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Take this quiz and tell me if you were surprised who you agreed with:




  1. Please tell me that this is not how you made your decision. . . .

  2. Oh, I know who to vote for.

    Hint: Not the crazy evangelical VP.

  3. I took the test and it told me to vote for the person I was going to already. If I was a "fate by the gods" person, I'd be freaked out.

  4. The quiz only has two candidates listed. There are like twelve other people running.

  5. I was not surprised to learn that Obama's statements are most closely allied to my sentiments on those issues. However, he is not my candidate of choice. Neither is McCain.

  6. I'm not voting this time around. I'm tired of voting *against* presidential candidates. Both of them have effectively said ''I'm Christian --- Vote for me,'' and I don't approve of that. They throw the name around like it means nothing, knowing good and well that as soon as they're elected, they'll do exactly what politicians do, which isn't anything remotely Christian.  

  7. My answers matched who I was already voting for. OBAMA!!!

  8. lol. I have no doubt who I'd vote for if I could (I'm not yet a citizen so I can't vote). I'd vote Obama in a heartbeat.

    I watched McCain the other night. You know what I saw? I saw a very childish selfish person whose more concentrated on money and image than he is on people. I saw someone who was pointing fingers and calling the Democrats childish names like those nasty high school boys you always wanted to punch in the face. I saw falsehoods and promises that mean nothing.

    This is the man who has been in office of some sort for 26 years, who suddenly promises change, even though he has supported nearly every single one of the things Bush has done, who has never brought about change just sat with the status quo.

    I see that he childishly appointed a Governor that no one had ever heard of before just because she was young and a woman not for anything good she's ever done.

    I saw this old man appoint a pretty secretary for the eye candy.

    Whereas Obama directly addressed the issues and didn't spend his time during his speach mudslinging the opposition.

    I see a choice between experience and judgement. And its time for judgement to win out. Its time to remove the old and decrepit "good ol' boyz" from office and move onto new ideas that will actually accomplish something good instead of keep with the status quo.

    I see that, if people vote McCain, they are giving tacit approval to Bush's policy's and disgusting behavior over the last 8 years.

    I see a despicable attempt at upplaying his religion, and his old fashioned values over actually addressing anything that the people need addressed.

    Its time for a change. And change, in this case, is the youth and judgement of Obama.

  9. JeanMarie,

    I enjoyed this poll and it went right along with my choice even though he would not be my choice if there were another candidate that I believed had a chance of winning.  The poll was a 10 to 3 match with who I will vote for and decided a long time ago.  It is good to see you are still here.  Have a great weekend and a wonderful LORD'S DAY!





  10. Personally, I think the notion that the President's personal values make a difference is highly over-rated.  It's party politics, not Presidential personalities that determine our future.  

    As I've done for decades, I'll probably "protest vote" for a third-party candidate, rather than allow myself to be forced to choose the lesser of two evil parties.  As the Founders feared, American democracy has been completely undermined by those who place their greedy self-interests above democratic principles.  Why can't there be enough political parties so that most Americans have at least some semblance of political representation?  Why must we suffer the tyranny of the superstitious  majority, year after year after year?  Why?  That damned Electoral College, that's why.

  11. My vote is still for the courageous Warrior Pony.

  12. I already know I'm not voting for the mainstream candidates. It's time the media stopped presenting the election as though it were a dichotomy.

  13. I took the quiz as you requested.  Got 100% correct for the candidate of my choice.  John McCain

  14. Typical -- my candidate (party) isn't even considered.

    The difficulty, I think, is that despite all the rhetoric, that is not (issue by issue) how we decide our vote for major offices...esp. not the presidency.

    After you eliminate the 40%-60% of the people who vote by party affiliation only, you have the more-or-less independent vote.  They tend to have a bias -- R/D...or other -- but have one or two mega-issues that interest them.  Neither candidate will line up correctly and/or will have seriously flaws on some other issue or personality trait.  

    So, we begin meta-sorting of the candidates:  either to actually vote, yes or no.  Or to sort the candidates in some order of who do I like more or hate less.  

    This "who" process is not a "what" check off list.

    For example, my answers to this quiz suggests that on the "major" issues I am split evenly between McCain and Obama, but that my 4-1 agreement on the "hot issues" with McCain means I should vote for McCain.  However, until McCain picked Palin, I never considered voting for him -- BUT I have considered voting for Obama...

  15. My choice is a Giant Douche or a t**d Sandwich. (you figure out who is who!)

    According to the test, Im with the Obama camp!

  16. Are you a kool aid drinker

  17. I already know who I will vote for, and I base my decision on their political stances not what a quiz says.

    But that Southpark episode about voting is funny.  I prefer the t**d sandwhich myself

  18. I ended up siding with Obama but I am not voting for him, nor will I vote for McCain.  I will write in in a vote for Huckabee.

  19. I'm still undecided. Obama has more pluses in his column.

  20. I never vote according to what candidates claim they'll do.  If a candidate has supported tax increases while in office then campaigns saying he will cut taxes I dismiss it as political rhetoric.  It's unfortunate that these days politicians are packaged and sold to the people by the media.  Many of our greatest presidents couldn't get elected today because they were either not very good looking (Lincoln) or they were not very comfortable speaking in public and had high voices that made them poor public speakers by today's standards (Jefferson).  P.T. Barnum said "there's a sucker born every minute" and I think they all get their information from TV and the internet.  Why people believe campaign promises is a mystery when none are ever kept.

  21. Obama.  

  22. GObama

  23. Kinky Freidman for President

    Willy Nelson for Vice President

  24. I know I won't be voting for the socialist, so by process of elimination, that leaves McCain.

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