
Voting for the next President? 10 pts?

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Please give three brief (one or two sentences) reasons why you are voting for McCain or Barack?

I love opinions from those who love to sift thru the media lies and half truths.

What would be two things that McCain or Barack did in their policial pasts that you feel ruined it for you.

Thanks so much.




  1. Obama because he is young, gifted, and what more harm could he do.The entire economy is in a up roar. He has done nothing  wrong  in his past that would ruin the future of America.

  2. I'm voting for Obama because:

    1. He's looking for alternate energy sources instead of drilling for oil on our soils when all of it's gonna be gone in my lifetime anyway.

    2. His healthcare plan

    3. Pro-choice

  3. I'd rather tell you why im NOT voting for john mccain...

    1) he's a war monger and doesnt have a viable exit strategy for iraq

    2) he wants to reverse roe v. wade..and considering im a liberal...that doesnt fly with me

    3) the fact that HE HIMSELF stated (and i HAVE seen the video personally) that he voted with george bush 90% of the time during his political career

    4) his choice of v.p- she ONLY has 22 months of experience, believes that global warming isn't happening, wants to open pipelines in Alaska, beleives in 'state sponsored heterosexualism', stated recently that she was too concerned about state issues to TRULY understand whats going on in iraq, she lies out of her ***, believes that creationism should be taught in schools (which goes against the constitution and the separation of church and state), and shes a total hypocrite

    5) John mccain's economic speech writer and head researcher doesnt believe that there is anything wrong with the economy and states that we should stop 'whining about it'

    6) He's probably going to die anyway

  4. I use to like McCain, but he is pandering to the right wing. I use to also admire him for not using his pow status as a cheap political stunt. As for Obama. I think it is time to move from that past generation. I know they say Baby Boomers are the best generation, but they are the ones that have us in the mess we are in now. It is time  for people of my generation to take the lead and do what is best for us. No offense but most of those baby boomers will not be around in ten years. and I have many years in which I will be affected by their decisions.

  5. I'm Voting for McCain

    Reason 1: McCains middle name is not Hussein

    Reason 2: I'm angry that Obama has successfully disguised himself as a Black Man. Obama is not a BLACK AMERICAN.

    OBAMA does not carry within him the Blood of Slaves.

    Obama is Kenyan not Black American.

    Vote John McCain, he will not use people for his own benefit.

  6. I am leaving an open mind.  Obama has my heart but if McCain really cuts PORK, taxes and cleans up corruption then McCain has my head.

    I like government out of my hair and my life.  I do not expect government to answer all my questions - but please government - - don't ship all of our jobs overseas.  It hurts like h**l.

    Every time I open my laptop I get a new shock to my system.  It seems to be a rollercoaster much like my 401K plan and just like my 401K plan goes downhill all the time.

    If I knew who would keep us safe and prosperous I would have the answer but I am clueless.  

    Sarah has brought energy to the Republicans.  We shall see if she will FIGHT for our country and not her special interests in Alaska.

  7. First of all, I encourage you to listen to Obama more. He has a lot of very good ideas for addressing the issues our country is facing. Here are a few of my favorites:

    1. He has said he will overturn all the unconstitutional things Bush has done in his first 100 days.

    2. He has said he will try to get the "Enron loophole" closed, which most oil industry analysts say will reduce the price of gas immediately by up to 60 percent.

    3. He understands that one of the most important problems in our country is the power the corporate lobbyists have over our government, and he has promised to end that power and return the government to "the people," as in "of the people, by the people, for the people."

    4. He knows the urgency of addressing climate change.

    5. He realizes we need a timeline for getting out of Iraq responsibly and that even the Iraqis want us to have a timeline.

    6. He is uniquely qualified to bridge a lot of the gaps and divides in our country, which I believe is crucial in order for us to address the very critical issues facing us right now, like the value of our dollar, our reputation abroad, our military being stretched too thin, the price of gas, etc.

    7. He understands that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link and wants to make sure that all our children get a good education.

    8. His tax plan includes very large tax CUTS for the middle class because he believes our country cannot thrive without a healthy and growing middle class. I believe that, too.


  8. I would vote for the ticket that promises to investigate, incarcerate and make accountable those knowing, participating, and ignoring events of 9/11, the invasion of Iraq, any energy scams and the like. I would vote for those that could rally the people most to bring about change. I would vote for who would put the welfare of the country over that of their own personal philosophy or agenda.  

  9. you can't dangle 10 points in front of me and make me sing and not that cheap!

  10. Neither because I'm not registered to vote.

    If I was voting, I would vote for McCain/Palin.

    Governor Palin has executive experience.

    She is also from a small town and better understands what regular Americans face every day.

    What really turned me off about Obama is his arrogance and lack of real life experience, as well as his ties to Tony Rezko and William Ayres. (among others)

    Obama claims to be for change, but it is John McCain who proposed a moratorium on earmarks, and it is Sarah Palin who cleaned up Alaskan politics.

    I'm afraid that was more than the requested one or two sentences. ;)

    Just though I would mention, I am also pro-choice: I believe the baby should be able to choose.

  11. I'm voting for Barack & not because we are both black !

    This country is in need of a change badly,he's young,has fresh ideas,he relates more with the common folk,hardworking citizens of this country & i believe he's the 1 for the job.

    I've listened to all the pundits saying that he has no experience,maybe that's true,but ask yourself a question,with all the knowledge & experience Bush has,how well did he manage the past 8 yrs,he sure did a helluva gr8t job didn't he ?

    I respect John Mccain,but you can't base your entire campaign on "i'm a former pow,elect me as prez" !

    Mccain never said how he intended on fixing our economy woes,his healthcare plan,this mortgage crisis,etc.

    I'm sorry i went past 3 sentences...LOL !

  12. Obama because he will bring us into the future and invest in alternative fuels and put science and technology first.  

  13. I am voting Obama for one simple reason:

    I do not trust McCain

  14. I am voting for McCain because he does not do things just to please other people he does what he believes is right. 2. He believes in the power of military and won't sit back and watch anything happen to us. 3. He supports offshore drilling and drilling in Alaska which will provide americans with jobs and their own oil.

    I will not be voting for Obama because I feel he has disgraced america to many times by not saluting our flag, calling my fellow pennsylvanians bible and gun clinging bitter people, wanting to give handouts to non working welfare cases, will raise taxes, does not support off shore drilling, only talks about himself and his so called change but never says what this change will be, and last but not least He is for full term abortions.

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