
Vulcan Seat question?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 07 vulcan 900. I want to get a differant seat...I also don't want to have to cut off an arm to afford one....what types are out there for a reasonable price. I have also heard of people taking the stock seat and just having it redone with the gel padding. Has anyone done this and how much did it cost. I just feel like I am sitting on my stock seat, not in it....any help would be appreciated.




  1. Here is the "give your right arm" answer.

    Here is a do it your self gel pad.

    You can also check Tucker-Rocky to see what they have available.

    But if you really want a good fitting seat, work with local upolstry shop to see what they can do for you.

    BTW If you buy a Corbin, they will custom fit it for you at one of their shops, but you have to ride there to get this service.

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