
Vw camper van !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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can anyone tell me where i can buy a cheap but nice camper from? i have and im still looking on ebay but the bodywork on most are c**p, if anyone no"s or has one for sale please let me no thankyou.




  1. VW campers arent made anymore, theyre over 40 years old, and they cost alot.... well, if you want an imactulate one, it would be around $15000.... but i think you can get a good one for around $7000... go to germany, australia, or england.

  2. there is no such thing as a good cheap camper! you only pay so much for the vw badge there are other good campers out there.

    p.s you wanna buy a 71 vw beetle? ill even chuck in a tent!

  3. definitely not Ebay.  Go into the little "hick" towns and keep your eyes peeled.  These are collector your only chance of a good one is from an original owner who uses it as a campmobile.

  4. There's a guy I know in Modesto, CA that has one for sale-slight damage to the pop-top, and needs new canvass, otherwise clean !

      Asking $3500

  5. Look here, click the classified warned, they are not cheap.

  6. The VW camper vans are still made, you should get a 'Caddy Life' - do not get an old unsafe one

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