
W\hat is the need for wildlife and its conservation ???

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I need matter on Need for wildlife and its conservtion .....plz plz plz help me...I hav searched it on google but i hav not got what i actuallly want plz do help me...




  1. We need to conserve all types of wildlife so I can continue to hunt it.

  2. animals are part of the cycle of life.  with out them we could not survive.  animals such as bees, bats,, birds, and beavers and more help keep plants alive and healthy as well as feeding themselves and destroying plants when needed.  other animals eat them witch keeps control of them.  the cycle can be different in every environment but has for the most part the same benefactor.  plants is what gives off oxygen and is what we breath.  we have to keep all of them alive even some of the most pest because one...they were giving life and deserve to keep it...two...they are all connected in the food web.  And three...they are fun to watch arn't they?  now the ability to learn is great in us so we want to know as much about animals as we can because it helps us understand us.  so if track them we know what they do.  I'm going as that you are just asking in general so I can't give a specific answer and i hope this helps.  e-mail me for more

  3. The Earth is an interconnected, highly complex bio-system. Destroying any one part can have many unforeseen and unwelcome consequences. Destroying a large part could interfere with humanity's ability to survive, even, if plants and soils were disrupted enough.

    Also, if you value life, genetic diversity also has value. When you kill off species of animals, you lose a unique gene pool forever. It's not coming back.

    Should the world be nothing but a parking lot for humanity? What would that be like to live in?

    If we want something more than concrete, we have to preserve wildlife. Try these folks:

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