
W hat is the best way to memorise any thing during studing?

by  |  earlier

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  1. red bull before the exam.. don't bother revising just drink it before you walk in and bam you end up aceing the test, proven.

  2. When you're studying, keep a notepad next to you and write down all the important things down. Post - it also is a great help. My wall in front of my desk is full of those colored things during exams.

    If you like reading, then just read what u need to memorize from time to time, or be4 u go to bed.

    good luck

  3. Make a tape recording of it and play it constantly, no matter what you're doing.

  4. write it  and say it 1000 times

  5. Say it out loud 5 times and listen to it when your sleeping.

  6. if you are trying to memorize list and stuff like the periodic table: put them in an alpha order and assign a name to them that means someting to you or is funny..ex: Iron-my clothes etc. That method always worked for

  7. Well i think the best ways to study are by making flash cards and reading   them to yourselve over and over or make a game out of the study material also you can remeber little words that make sense to you and little words in the answer so you dont have to remeber to much but still know what you are doing! I dont know if i answered good enough but thats all i got sorry.

  8. Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think egg+jam is knocking the DOOR.

    I'm not a brilliant guy but I would just like to say

    Meditation+Concentration =  Egg+Jam

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