
WA. STATE FELON? can i own a pellet gun?

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Can a convicted felon own a pellet or bb-gun?

in the state of washington and if you were to be found in possession of one of these would you be charged with being in posession of a firearm?




  1. no , you cannot own a pellet gunor a bb gun

  2. What is the purpose of having such a thing in the first place?  what is it that is so difficult to understand?  Why is it that one has to push the envelope?  can't one just appreciate the freedom at hand?  Someones priorities is up the posterior portion of the body...pellet gun...sheeesh...throw a rock if you have to...get away from things that will snare you into hard would it be to convince a judge that a pellet gun, can be used as a WEAPON!  Come one!  Grow up.

  3. Nope it would be considered a felon in possession of a firearm

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