
WABC Radio <span title="Grant,Ingram,Hannity,Limbaugh.O'Rielly,">Grant,Ingram,Hannity,Limb...</span> What do they all have in Common besides being "White"?

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They wear their "Hearts" on their sleeves and reveal themselves and want to convince others! All Consevatives! Thats not balanced, maybe the problem.Shouldn't they each add a liberal to thier shows? Like Hannity Has!Isn't that fair!Person of color as liberal would be great! Just to see the Reactions!




  1. When you ask a question you should let us answer the question. When you poison the question with your answer it makes it senseless for others to answer.Thank You.

  2. Feel free to do that when you own the station or the program.

    Until then, it is none of your concern and this is a rant.

    Hating on whites and Conservatives and males?

    Hmmmmm.  Little racist, aren&#039;t you?

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