
WALES OR ENGLAND who do u want to win on Saturday?????

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WALES OR ENGLAND who do u want to win on Saturday?????




  1. Wales I hope.

  2. Wales we always Support our Welsh Cousins. Dublin.

  3. im english (actually, im quarter welsh but live in england) but going for wales because I LOVE MIKE PHILLIPS the scrum half who has been chosen for the no. 9 shirt over dwayne peel who isnt even in the squad YES!

    and i also went to see wales play vs australia in the world cup 2k7 in september - sadly wales lost but played well


  4. Wales...really really as always...want wales to win...particularly over the angerlanders..glad the question isn't who do I "think" will win..though..

  5. England

  6. England by around about 50 points hopefully. But seeing as though Wales have selected a regional team I fear it might be closer than that

  7. England to win :-)

    However the Welsh always play miles better against England than any one else.

    I think it will be a close game

  8. Cymru!!!!

    It should be a cracking game..I hope that Wales don't leave it as late as Scott Gibbs' English heartbreaker a few years ago, my heart wouldn't stand it.'s "twll dîn"....'dyn' is man.

  9. Well tbh i dont think wales have much of a chance...but the same was said about the england squad that turned up for the world cup,and look how well they done.

    I just dont think wales will do it,its been along time since they won at twickers.But you never know.

    So for me its got to be england.

    4th august 2007

    Ross: england showed wales how to play rubgy check the scores out

    England 62   wales 5

  10. Cymru wrth gwrs does dim amheuaeth arni!

    Wales of course without a doubt!





  11. Wales.  I don't want England to win anything.  They're Poms and that's why I don't want them to win.

    Me being Australian, I want the Poms to lose.

  12. Wales !!!!!   cymru am byth twll dyn bob sais !

  13. As long as its a good game im not too bothered,good attacking game from both sides will make a good match..

  14. Not bothered really, I'm Welsh and my other half's English so its hard to have a strong feeling either way and tbh I find Rugby fairly dull . . .

  15. C'MON ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Got to be Wales!! the english have provided us with the best coach in the world with shaun edwards!

  17. Well i am going for Wales just because im from there, but im not sure who is going to win, wales had a disatrous world cup last year while england got to the final. wales beat england at cardiff in last years tournament so any one of these teams has a good chance.

  18. wales have to go with the popular vote and of course i am welsh.  the score will either be close and then a welsh win or we will lose by a few.  its going to be a strange tournament me thinks

  19. WALES! Because i live there but im not too bothered about rugby

  20. England for ever

  21. i would like to see england win....

  22. haha i dont even know who they are besides the places lol

  23. Wrong question:

    Ospreys or England

    But yeah, Ospreys XD

  24. Hopefully Wales. But I don't know if that's going to happen.

  25. I want Wales to win. But they wont.

  26. Wales of course, I think my name kinda gives it

    So hope they do it!

    Hope it will be a good game am sooooooooo, looking forward to this 6N campaign!

    Good to see you ask who we WANT to win!

    Makes a change to who we THINK will win!

    Come on Wales!

  27. England, but I hope it is a really good game with lots of good forward play and back line breaks.

  28. ENGLAND! And poor Pom -it must have hurt to lose to us at the World Cup. Again.

  29. at the last meeting in the six nations I was confident that Wales would win and they did but ever since they put a third team out against England in the build up to the world cup, England have gained confidence and had some good results, whereas Wales have struggled in their games. Obviously I will be supporting Wales but I'm worried that we will struggle in jolly old Twickers. Anyway, if we lose, I can blame the Jacks.

  30. Wales, because I'm Welsh.  However, I hope it is a great game.

  31. Surprisingly England. I dunno why, but England.

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