
WARNING! Rude & Offensive Jokes - Funny or not? Please 'do one', before testing your 'Troll' button?

by  |  earlier

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♣♣Q: What's blonde, had six legs and runs through Michael Jacksons dreams? A: Hanson.

♣♣Q: What's the difference between a L*****n and a Pringle ?

A: One is a snack cracker, the other is a crack snacker.

♣♣Q: How do you tell that you have a high sperm count

A: Your date has to chew before she swallows

♣♣Q: What's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts?

A: Beer nuts are a $1.25 but deer nuts are always under a buck.

♣♣Q: Why did God create alcohol?

A: So ugly people could get laid too

♣♣l**k The Dognuts

Two guys were walking down the street and saw a dog l*****g his balls. One guy says to the other, "Whoa! Check that out, I wish I could do that!"

The other guy raises his eyebrows and says, "Go ahead dude, but if I were you, I'd pet him firstt!"

♣♣Q. why did Humpty Dumpty push his girlfriend on the wall?

A. To see her crack

♣♣Q. Who makes more money, a drug dealer or a prostitute?

A. A prostitute, because she can always wash her crack, and sell it again!

♣♣Q. What is it when a man talks dirty to a woman?

A. Sexual harassment.

♣♣Q. What is it when a woman talks dirty to a man?

A. $3.99 a minute.

♣♣Q. Why does a dog l**k its p***s?

A. Because it can't make a fist.

♣♣Q. What do you call two lesbians with their period?

A. Finger painting.

♣♣Q. What do you get when you put 50 lesbians and 50 politicians in a room together?

A. 100 people who don't do d**k.

♣♣Q. What do you call it when someone farts in a g*y bar?

A. A love call.

♣♣Q. What did the boy vampire say to the girl vampire?

A. See you next period.

♣♣Q. What do you call a female clown?

A. A Clunt

♣♣Q. How did the g*y break his leg at the golf course?

A. He fell off the ball washer!


PLEASE take notice of the heading?! If the jokes were not to your taste, fair enough, tell one that is 'funny'? (And I know that many of you will have heard some of them before! lol... I put them up for everyones amusement... not to compete!

________ 0\[{(▬,)_o_( ♥ )}]/0____________

If you came here to test your resolve, in reading these vile offensive spawn of the devils seed.... good! They get much, much worse! lol. So press the 'report' button now! hehehehe

To all 'normal' sick twisted people, like me... hope you liked? Thx..




  1. there great... i laughed at them all thank u x  

  2. Yeah i liked it made me giggle lool =D

  3. Got a good laugh there so funny

  4. lol they are good will tell some of them tomorrow.

    have you heard this one?

    L*****n goes to weight watchers and the teacher says" do you know you are wot you eat"

    L*****n says " you calling me a c--t"  

  5. It seems as if we share the same sense of humour !!!!

    Feel slightly embarrassed to say that I was actually laughing out loud when I was reading them. Very, very funny !  xx

  6. Heres one for you: Q. why did oprah winfrey get arrested  

    A. they found 10,000 pounds of crack in the back of her pants

  7. i litteraly nearly wet myself laughing.. their mint jokes

  8. I loved it!!! Those were awesome! Heres a star for you

  9. mediocre at best

  10. HAHA! loved the g*y bar one :D

  11. If i was writting your report card it would read 'must try harder to be funnier'

  12. Two prostitutes were riding around town with a sign on top of their car which said: "Two Prostitutes -- $50.00."

    A policeman, seeing the sign, stopped them and told them they'd either have to remove the sign or go to jail.

    Just at that time, another car passed with a sign saying: "JESUS SAVES."

    One of the girls asked the officer, "How come you don't stop them?!"

    "Well, that's a little different," the officer smiled . "Their sign pertains to religion.'

    The following day the same police officer noticed the same two ho's driving around with a large sign on their car.

    He figured he had an easy arrest until he read their new sign:

    "Two Fallen Angels

    Seeking Peter -- $50."


  13. Hey what can I say I guess I'm just a 'normal' sick twisted person like you.  Thanks for the laughs.  At least you had enough respect for others to warn them with your heading.  If they don't like sick jokes then they shouldn't have been so nosy and read them. So yes your rude and offensive jokes were funny.

  14. ha ha  h a g1

  15. cool

  16. they were really quite funny, cheers for the laugh, a star for you sweetheart

  17. good ones!!

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