
WATCH THIS!!!! IS this a RIFLE???

by  |  earlier

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PLEASE read this first(just below),watch the YouTube link ...then watch the YouTube link at the bottom .;_ylt=AmYW4PpG0niPIiDrmGtEAP_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080622211703AA9JtY7

OK, I just watched the clip above, and explained MY opinion. Then, I noticed that same guy I mention, running up the stairs in the film but he's seen for longer. It seemed kinda odd that he ran in the first clip ...then, on this one(below)it really looks like, as he turns to run, that he has a brown rifle with him. You see it just when he turns

PLEASE tell me what you think.




  1. It looks like he has his hands behind his back, and what you believe to be a rifle is just his arm that he puts in front of him before turning to run.  Maybe he was pointing or tapping the other guy before he ran.  I know I'd run if someone was shooting.

    If he were a sniper, he would (1) hide from a concealed position, (2) aim and track the target, instead of pulling a rifle from behind his back and instantly shooting it in the wrong direction within 1 second before running away.

    Looking at the other video, it looks like the shot had already occurred prior to this guy running.

    Who knows, he might have been an officer guarding the stairs.  Perhaps he did have a rifle behind him, and when the shots were fired, he pulled it in front to get ready to shoot, and turned to go up and secure the area above in case the sniper was there.

    It doesn't look like he's aiming or tracking the car with a rifle at all.

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