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the beckhams are fantasic and victoria is like a fairytale princess,she is being likened to being as beautiful as princess di here in america, do you guys see them as the new ''royalty'' also?




  1. Posh a princess you must be kidding, she 's just a skinny celeb with a lollipop head and i wish she would stop all that pouting, she is not well liked in the UK but becks is

  2. She's a freakin SPICE GIRL....they were are alll oldies tryna be a stupid girl group,...

  3. Royalty?

    We don't see them as royalty.

    Princess Diana was kind and helped thousands of people.

    No-one can ever be the new 'Princess Di,' because she is one of a kind.

  4. OH MY GOD NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They're just rich and in the case of Mr Beckham, good at football.

    Not particularly interesting in my opinion and although I was never a Diana-o-phile they aren't even comparable!

  5. You have got to be joking.

    Victoria Beckham is a self-obsessed, self-important fuckwitt who once had a brief career in pop music, which in itself was bad enough.

    Not to fussed about Beckham - great footballer in his time, but honestly, he only joined LA Galaxy because no other club in the world would pay what he wanted for a has-been. If he was that great, he would either never have left Real Madrid, or woudl have been snapped up by a decent English club like Arsenal, Man Utd or Chelsea.

    Seriously, you guys will be sick to the back teeth of her within a year - constant over-exposure in the media has given her the idea that she's actually important and interesting, when in fact she's a fake-titted, scrawny, brain-dead no-talent gold-digger whose kids have fu_cking ridiculous names.

    Please don't compare them to Royalty - both of them are common as muck, just that he made a bunch of cash from playing football, and she made a few bob churning out teeny-bopper, pre-fab pop music about 20 years ago.

    Also, please keep them over there!!! Well, her, anyway. Dopey cow.

  6. No, we see her as a completely talentless has-been. In time, you will too.

  7. No way, Victoria Beckham is nothing but a talentless numb skull.

  8. No. I have heard it all now! Sigh, Sigh.

  9. I'm not sure who "We Americans" are, but this American wishes that those two useless twits would go back to England.

  10. I presume you're joking because that's such a nonsensical statement I refuse to believe you.

  11. No she's an ugly, matierilistic, anorexic faker, she should be burnt at the stake, mind you that a waste of a good stake

  12. The Beckams - thank fu;ck they have pissed off to America -  You will be able to understand what David says - as he talks like Mickey Mouse..and he has these amazing bandy cowboy legs.... Vicky will entertain you with her Amazing Fake Boob's...   just mind and turn down your Volume on your TV when she sings...

  13. If she is like Princess Diana whats her favorite charity her wardrobe.

  14. what do you  mean by "We americans love the beckhams"? i know i don't. victoria doesn't talk when she's out even being stalked by paparazzi. david is more famous for his hair styles than his footwork for the soccer team. mind you i do think he's got talent but there's those who have more and less talent than him though.

    royalty is royalty. its either by blood or by marriage. neither one of them are royalty by marriage or blood (DUH!).

  15. the beckhams are a decent footballer and a sub standard pop star, nothing more.  The royal family is the royal family and Victoria should never be compared to princess Diana

  16. over here Victoria is seen as the old has been

  17. Haha, no. They are celebrities to us.

  18. No, you are welcome to them,only reason they went to America, is because no-one liked them here, well her especially!!

  19. Bit of a stretch.  Di had a grace, elegance, and dignity and I don't see that in Posh.  Sorry.

  20. As nice as the Beckhams are, the average English person hardly sees them as royalty. In fact Victoria is a former pop star with a good PR man - didn't she do a fantastic job of promoting our young David from a working class area of London? Victoria herself came from the working class part of middle/upper class Brookmans Park in Hertfordshire. They're just an ordinary couple with an extraordinary lifestlye.

    Anyway, good luck to them - they're using their talents to the fullest.

  21. Victoria Beck ham will never be seen as the new Diana.  She is, and will never be on the same level as Princess Diana.  Posh Spice is a washed up girl-band singer of the 90's who lucked out and hooked up with the hottest athlete to ever come out of England.  At best, she's a "B" celebrity.

  22. She is nowhere near royalty... and DEFO.. not like Princess Di..

    you will be saying the same.. wait a couple of months..

    She does everyones nut in over here..

    you can have them..

    David is a brill footballer though..


  24. You must be barking mad ...most British people think they are the worst sort of celebrity.... No comparison to Princess Dianna, I am shocked you think this. They are as  far from Royalty as you can get..

  25. Coming from another American....Victoria is NOTHING like Princess Di.  I don't understand all the hype for an ex-spice girl who appears to have an eating disorder.  I know nothing about sports but can say David is cute, I don't think that is enough to make him a super star.  I don't understand all the Beckman hype and can't wait until it stops!  You're right though, they will fit right in with all the other "celebs" in the US.  We really need to get a life over here.

  26. She is no where near being as beautiful and graceful and Princess Di.

    Princess Di taught us that royalty could be kind hearted, what has Victoria shown us....

    How to wear your sons jeans?

  27. You're welcome to them.  They are just over-hyped celebrities.  And do we consider them the 'new royalty', h**l no we have the bona-fide thing here.  Victoria just looks weird with her lollipop head and jacked up-b***s, and d**n! doesn't she realise that trying to look s**y by pouting just makes her look like a stroppy madam.  And as for comparing her to Princess Diana!   Diana was a real fairytale princess, Victoria is just a very cheap, very talentless imitation.  Although I'll admit she seems to be a good mother, when she's with her children that is.  David was a good footballer in his prime, ands that's just about all I've got to say about him.

  28. I'm glad you Americas have the Beckhams, i can't stand them. But worst luck they will visit Australia in November for some reason. Could  I make my name a brand name then my pictures will be plastered every where.

  29. you americans can have victoria beckham. she's nothing more than an over rated, over hyped pop star. she couldn't hold a candle to nor come anywhere near the high standing that Princess Diana still has. to do anything in the manner that you infer is an outright insult.

  30. I'm glad to (hopefully) see that back of them.

    He's a mediocre footballer who can't string a few words together eloquently, and she's a talentless trollop with a body of a 7yr old

    they should fit in perfectly in U.S.A  hehe

  31. You're having a laugh, right?

    Victoria Beckham (or Posh) is a talentless person, can't sing, can't dance. But she is a devoted mother and she knows her fashion.

    However, comparing her to Princess Diana, well I guess they both use the press for their own means. But Royalty - get real! You are either born royalty or marry into it. She has done neither.

    Americans may confuse Royalty and celebrity, but us Brits know the difference. Whereas the Royals get publicity whether they want it or not, celebrities actively court publicity.

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