

by Guest32827  |  earlier

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guys i keep having this day dream where it shows the sky and a huge black whole type portal opens and it looks orange on the inside? is this mankinds future im seeing?




  1. serious answer: yes, you may just be doing that, the near future of mankind will change radically in just 4 years. read the book "2012 the return of Quetzalcoatl" in the year 2012 the end of earth as we know it will open up a new way of thinking a new way of seeing, part of what you may be experiencing is the collective awareness that is happening because of the internet. for the 1st time in human history, all humans will have access to basically EVERYTHING there is to know, and know and understand that we are all actually part of: "The Big Picture"-blurey

  2. mankinds future? No, just too many late nights, booze, drugs, and scary movies influencing your daydreams

  3. i have the same thing sometimes,

    but not that image,

    i always see a REALLY crumpled piece of purpled velvet, like unimaginably crumpled, and then i see a really really smooth white egg.

    Then i see a REALLY small baby, and a huge giant.

    its weird, but its just something i see.

  4. Dreaming about a black hole is a warning that you are getting pulled into a bad situation by bad influences. Be extra careful about thinking about your actions.

  5. Often, when your brain is deprived of sleep but your body is not in a resting state, your mind tends to "rest unconsciously". This state could explain and or solve the problem for why you are having your day-dream.      


         As to what your dream means, that exactly i do not know as i am not a dream interpreter. I do know however, that reoccurring dreams are not random and form unconscious patters created by the brain. The brain has a strong tendency to piece together information gathered by the sensory nervous system in your body, which send the serotonin chemical through your neurotransmitters back into your brain.

         How does this pertain to my question you may ask? Well when your brain rests, as when you are mentally tired or "resting unconsciously", acethycholine chemicals are released controlling memory in your brain. Random and non correlating information that has recently been received by the brain is pieced together during the brains "unconscious sleep" to form the day-dream you are having. The serotonin chemical is also released controlling your mood.

         Perhaps you were gazing at the sky on multiple occasions during the first occurrence, maybe you were watching the history channel special on "Outer Space", saw something about "The Black Hole Theory" on your home web page, or maybe orange is your favorite color. All of these are contributing factors to your day-dream experience.

          So, my hypothesis is: you have this day-dream when you are undergoing sleep deprivation and are experiencing a certain mood during that given time-frame of your day. Information contributing to the first day-dream also subconsciously contributes to the rest of your day-dreams giving you the feeling you are experiencing something supernatural. Under the right conditions, your brain recreates your "weird day-dream".

  6. Ha

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