
WEIRDDDD question. ?

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so my brother likes to run around the house in his underwear

he's 13

and not attractiev at all but he thinks that he is

and he wont put his pants back on unless my mom is home because she's the strict one i make this stop. mom works so he walks aroudn in his underwaer ALLLLL day




  1. yea my brother use to run around naked when my mom was at work and it was just me. ha just be mean, like a sister can be, and tell him something mean, and threaten to tell everyone he runs around in whitey tightys dancing to hannah montana or something

  2. I don't think there is much you can do for that i think it is a guy thing I have a 6 year old son and all most every morning i find him in the living room in in undies he don't care who is in it with him.But as soon as he see me he runs off and puts pants on!And the sad thing is i can remmember my dad doing the same thing.

  3. video tape him for proof. take away every fun privilege that he has until you get the footage.

  4. some people like to be in their underwear in their own houses..but clothes should be on though

  5. tell your mother,,, that's gross!!!

  6. Thats gross. tell ur mom. what boy wants to run around naked in front of his sister?

  7. kick of press his ball with your utmost strength.

  8. I would tell him that you don't like it....wait a minute...maybe that's why he does it....he knows it annoys you so he does it just to get under your skin. I would talk to your mom and see if she can help you get him to stop.

    If that was my son (I have a 12 year old) I would have done whatever it took to put a stop to it a long time ago. You have to trust your mom to help you with this. If she knew what he was doing would she approve? Probably not. So it's worth a shot, right? It's worth it to try to have a heart to heart with her about it to see if you can get some results? It that doesn't work..just ignore him. Sometimes if they know it doesn't bother you, the behavior will stop. They are not getting the attention that they are looking for.

  9. lmao

    i had to babysit my cousin and his friend when i was 14 [and they were 13] and they ran around the house in their underwear. and they slid up and down the stairs in sleeping bags.. hahah all i could do was laugh.

    but you can't really do anything about your brother. all you can really do is ignore it.

  10. kick him in the nuts once  

  11. haha thats funny but gross. just ignore him bc he probly does bc he knows it bugs u. or just leave the house all the time so u dont have to look at him. itll get old and h**l eventually stop. and maybe invite his friends over without him knowing and then h**l be embarrassed and maybe h**l at least put on some pants or something. good luck lol  

  12. When it gets to the point where you've had it, I'm SURE your mom can make him dress properly.  I'd give him the warning that if he doesn't start wearing his jeans or whatever, I'd simply tell him you're going to tell your mom about it because you've had it looking at him in his under ware all day.  If you even want, you could give him the chance of telling him if he doesn't do it by a certain day, then that's the day you're going to tell her.  But don't make a threat you're not going to carry out & do.  If you say you are, then by all means do it.  If you don't, he won't believe you in the future.  I'll be darn if I wanted to look at my brother day after day running around half naked.  Enuf is enuf.  So it's just as simple as that, & you know he'll do what she tells him or you just let her know he's not obeying her.  I don't think you'll have any problems w/him if you have to tell your mom tho.  Good luck to you...:)  

  13. Normally brothers wont listen to sisters. You probably have no hope to get him to put his pants on.
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