
WEP Key Saying It's Incorrect on BT 2110 Wireless Router?

by Guest66662  |  earlier

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Right, I've asked this question elsewhere, but no answers yet.

Our wireless router won't let us connect our xbox on it.

It's saying the WEP is incorrect, yet we've taken it exactly from the sticker underneath the router, and we haven't ever changed it.

It connected our old laptop, but since hasn't connected our 360, psp, ds or new laptop. The router works fine hooked up to the pc via ethernet..any help Please?




  1. If there's no WEP key in the router, but a computer is asking for one, the computer is probably trying to connect to a different router.  Make sure that your SSID is unique (everyone leaves the default one, so which "linksys" signal is your router?) and make sure that the device is trying to connect to that SSID.

  2. i have almost the same problem, but i fixed it. make sure you are typeing in the WEP key, not the WEP password! the password, and the Key and different. like for my router the password is "james", but the key is "F40EA55F20"

    so although you made a password for it, you might have to use the WEP Key! hope that helps

  3. Would love to give you a one size fits all answer.  I would search the net as there seem to have been numerous issues with this router and connecting to it.  This site has one solution to a problem that may or may NOT be your problem:

    Seems like the folks who made this are doing some funky things, but the skill level required to solve this is borderline expert+ :(

    Read the first comment regarding the WEP key and make sure you interpret it properly.  Not sure how you could overcome the second problem on your 360, psp or ds - the new laptop - with some effort and expertise, could probably get solved, but this is clearly not a nice router to play with.

    Not familiar with their tech support, but if they are supplying you with a wireless router, they should be able to get you to connect to it...



  4. lol, the number underneath the router is not the WEP, that;s something else,the WEP is kind of like a wireless router password so other people with wireless devices don't use your connection

    to find the WEP for your router you have to access your router menu, to do that, look at the instructions on your router manual, it requieres typing an address on your browser like 192.168.1.......

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