
%%%%%WEather Question****?

by Guest67022  |  earlier

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Is a 50% chance of rain high??




  1. Not really,

    Just means that there's A CHANCE you'd get rain, and a chance u won't. If it was 80% then yea, its gonna rain lol

  2. Not high, just half.

  3. not really but it means half

  4. Not really it means it could rain and may not rain . When they say that usually it rains at night if it were to rain .

  5. I'd say you have a 50% of it being high, yes.

  6. nah it means it could happen or it couldn't either way they can't tell!

  7. its neither high or low.

    50 % means.. the chance of it happening and of it not happening are the same.

    Just wait till the morning and check again, usually you get more accurate weather later on.

  8. it just means theres a 50 to 50 chance of rain so its kinda less likely to rain but there is still a possibility

  9. it is exactly half

    once out of every 2 times it will rain, once out of every 2 times it won't

    it is neither high nor low, it is the middle

    but, since we are talking about rain, i would make 2 sets of plans just in case, because it really could go either way.

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