Question: on a p***s?

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I was getting a tattoo the other day a guy was getting his p***s done...why in the world would u do that...

but than again it u would get one on ur p***s what would it be




  1. a friend of mine has a happy face in the tip...I have not cut why some1 would do c**p like that...ouch

    if I got it done I would have them tattoo a bigger p***s on me...

  2. oh god that is horrible, why did he want that! if i was a lad and was getting one i would prob get the words "suck me"

  3. oh god that is horrible, why did he want that! if i was a lad and was getting one i would prob get the words "suck me" on it hahaha!


  4. all i can say is...


    that must've hurt like h**l! al;sdkfjasl;dkfj

    haha. it's kind of sad actually. i wonder why he did it as well. :]

  5. My mate has "princess pickle" tattooed on his k**b lmao.

    He used to call his EX girlfriend that.

  6. wont it look weird when its ''stretched out'' lol

  7. It is possible he is a "submissive" and is doing it on orders of his Mistress (or Master).

  8. Maybe it's just part of a man's aura to be all "i-can-do-this-and-you-can't". Well if I was a man I'd have a... I dunno. Something s**y. :))

  9. Sounds painful

  10. LOL

    are you serious?


    that must've hurt like h**l!



    did you see whut he was getting?


    should've nudged the guy that was doing the tat.

  11. I'm a girl and therefore don't have a p***s, but I dated a dude who had a dragon on his member. It was actually pretty hot.

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